Jade Leader Corp. provided an update of its ongoing exploration and development programs on its Wyoming Jade properties and Fall 2021 bulk sampling program at the Sky Zone. Existing permits and notices have been amended and approved by the relevant authorities in order for the Company to proceed with a mechanized bulk sample of its recently recognized Sky Zone and Sky Jades ©. Work will be conducted with a loader mounted hydraulic hammer in order to expose the Sky Zone Jade bearing structure over its currently mapped strike length, and allow for the systematic collection and assessment of potential Jade types, colors and typical Jade yields along the main system. Equipment and personnel have now been mobilized to site, work has begun and it is expected that a month will be required to complete a test allowing for the collection of a significant amount of marketable Sky Jade©, in addition to the current inventory of ornamental Jades from previous trenching programs. The Jade will be evaluated as it is extracted and prepared for photography and marketing as the program progresses.