KNeoMedia Limited reported the establishment of its United Kingdom (UK) operations under a wholly-owned incorporated subsidiary, KNeoWorld UK Limited. The UK market entry is being spearheaded by a highly experienced and well-connected leadership team driving the growth strategy, assisting with sourcing of funding for Seat Licence sales and connecting with the private and public UK education sector. The company has long identified the 1.24 million special needs students in the UK as a large market of wide open for better Special Needs education. The establishment of the UK operations will differ from the US operations in that it is implementing trials, payment for which is pre-qualified, before embarking on a broader roll-out. This strategy will ensure the UK operations is selling content that comes pre-qualified which it turn enables prompt payment for seat licences.

The company confirmed the appointments of Lord Anthony St. John as Non-Executive Chairman and Visiting Professor Laurie O'Donnell as Non-Executive Director of the UK subsidiary Board. Executive appointments will be made in due course to execute on the direction of the new board. Based in London, Lord St. John of Bletso is a Crossbench/Independent Member of the House of Lords. Lord St John is currently Chairman of Strand Hanson and Integrated Diagnostic Holdings plc, and he serves on the board of several public and private companies. He recently became a member of the House of Lords Ad Hoc Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. Based in Scotland, Laurie O'Donnell has 30 years' experience leading educational change as a teacher and senior school manager in local government and at national level in Scotland. Since 2008 he has been visiting professor of learning innovation and technology within the UK Centre for Excellence in Computer Games Education at Abertay University, and currently advises academic staff in his role as Development Director (Future Learning). Laurie is also an Advisory Board member to KNeoMedia Limited as a pedological advisor and has a thorough understanding of the KNeoWorld Business.