LESTO AB, identification code 302577612, registered office placed at Aguonu str. 26, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 603 944 593; ISIN code LT0000128449.

On 27 November 2015, National Control Commission for Prices and Energy (hereinafter 'Commission') adopted a decision to publish adjusted AB LESTO prices for electricity transportation service and public electricity and their application procedures effective from 1 January 2015.

  • As from 1 January 2016, public electricity prices for household customers decrease by an average of 0.49 ct/kWh (including VAT) (4 percent);
  • As from 1 January 2016, electricity transportation service prices for business customers that receive electricity from medium-voltage electricity networks decrease an average 0.16 ct/kWh (VAT not included) (4.8 percent), for those receiving from low-voltage electricity networks - 0.04 ct/kWh (VAT not included) (0.8 percent).

It should be noted that due to the acceptance of the law of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal amendments, the Commission in December plans to adjust the Public service obligation (PSO) price. Therefore, final 2016 electricity prices would be recounted and announced anew.

Following the reorganization of AB LESTO and the Commission's issuance of the electricity distribution and public electricity supply licenses in accordance with the procedure established by law, the electricity distribution services and public electricity prices will applied to the assignee of the rights and duties of AB LESTO.

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