Mandriva's Business Server, an open source based business server targeted to the needs of small and medium businesses will very soon be available for large organizations alike.

The joint product development collaboration is with Zentyal, a Spanish company that is a developer of easy-to-use and affordable hybrid infrastructure, and the only vendor worldwide to offer server technology that is natively interoperable with both Microsoft Active Directory® and Microsoft® Exchange Server.

The feature offers native compatibility with Microsoft® Outlook and Active Directory allowing the Mandriva's business server to be linked to an existing domain just as in a Windows Server, with no plug-ins required.

The collaboration aims to offer a highly scalable, secure, cost effective and easy to use Business Server product for organizations of all sizes.

Zentyal and Mandriva share strong synergies in both technological and commercial areas linked to a shared open source commitment to providing businesses with viable, cost effective alternative to proprietary servers.

The Mandriva business server integrating Samba and OpenChange technologies packaged by Zentyal will be commercially available in the third quarter of 2014.

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