A subcontractor repairing part of the Chimanimani highway which was destroyed by Cyclone Idai in 2019 has spoken out following the death of one person in a freak accident along the road, last week.

The person whose identity has not been released by police, died after their vehicle plunged into a deep crevice-caused by a combination of-poor workmanship and effects of incessant rains which recently pounded the province.

In a statement Masimba Holdings, sought to absolve itself of responsibility over the collapse of the road, instead laying blame on the impact of the rains which triggered an underground stream that could have aggravated the collapse.

The incident occurred on the eve of 30 January.

"The Chimanimani area has been experiencing heavy rains since the beginning of the rainy season. In the early hours of 30 January 2021, a small river changed its course upstream after an existing culvert was blocked by debris.

"This resulted in water undermining the road just before the culvert, causing a section of the Wengezi Chimanimani road to collapse at the 69km peg. A ditch that is an estimated 3m deep and 3m wide, and impassable to traffic, was created. Preliminary investigations indicate that the collapse may also have been aggravated by an underground stream.

"It is with sadness that we also inform you that a motorist travelling in the early hours of the morning of 30 January 2021, unaware of the state of the road, drove into the ditch and regrettably passed away. Our condolences go out to the family," reap part of the statement.

Police confirmed the incident, as well the Chimanimani District Development Coordinator Joseph Manyurapasi confirmed the accident. He said motorists are now using Runhowani detour to access the resort town.

"Just before Charter on your way from Skyline there is a big pothole which was created after the old culvert gave in to heavy rains. One person died this morning when a vehicle plunged into the ditch," said Manyurapasi.

With the spot posing danger to unsuspecting motorists travelling to and from Chimanimani near Charter Estate in Chimanimani, Masimba said they have mobilized equipment and opened a detour for vehicles.

The construction firm also sought to suggest that their work was focused on resealing following destruction caused by Cyclone Idai.

"Masimba Holdings Limited carried out extensive rehabilitation works on the Skyline Chimanimani road following damages caused by Cyclone Idai in 2019. The scope of the contracted works on the affected section was confined to resealing.

"Meanwhile, we have mobilized equipment to open a detour to allow vehicles to pass while we carry out repair works as per the Department of Roads engineering designs issued on 30 January 2021," read part of the statement.

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