Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. has received the results for 1,621 geochemical samples collected from its Carlin-Roop Silver Project; its Anderson-Davidson Gold and Trail-Minto gold properties; as well as 136 soil gas (SGH) samples from its Edmonton gold-base metal property. Drilling Update: cutting and logging of all core from this summer's diamond drill program has been completed. The Company will issue a press release report covering the core shortly and is anticipating receipt of assays between November 15 and year end.

Soil sampling- Anderson- Davidson (18 separate zones): At Steep Creek, 6 zones have been delineated: a 1,700m long zone having gold values up to 142ppb; a 370m long zone having gold values up to 142ppb; a 530m long zone having gold values up to 126ppb; a 750m long zone having gold values up to 87ppb; a 320m long zone having gold values up to 33 ppb; and a 170m long zone having gold values up to 85ppb. At Peak, 6 zones have been identified: a 1,600m long zone having gold values up to 272 ppb; an 850m long zone having gold values up to 134ppb; a 580m long zone having gold values up to 48ppb; a 280m long zone having gold values up to 47ppb; a 240m zone having gold values up to 340ppb; and a 340m long gold zone having values up to 33ppb. At Owl-Anderson, 4 zones have been identified: a 3,000m+ long zone having gold values up to 527ppb.; a 600m zone having gold values up to 63ppb; a 360m long zone having values up to 86ppb; and a 120m long zone having gold values up to 201ppb.

At Norman, 2 zones have been identified: a 670m long zone having gold values up to 87ppb and a 600m long zone having gold values up to 46ppb. At Dawn Gulch, placer mining, anomalous silt samples of up to 16.2ppb and heavy mineral concentrate samples of up to 25,500g Au/t, suggest the presence of lode gold. This locality requires completion of soil sampling to delineate gold targets.

The Owl Creek drainage basin has also not been grid sampled. Further west at Davidson, 2 zones have been identified: a 500m long zone having gold values up to 34ppb and a 450m long zone with gold values up to 29 ppb. The later zone has been verified by an SGH survey.

Soil Sampling and geophysics - Trail-Minto: A 700m± wide zone of north-trending irregular parallel bands of gold anomalies has been defined along the east margin of the Roaring Fork Stock for a distance of ~ 4 km and mirror similarly- oriented parallel bands on plots of the magnetic analytical signal. Over 3 km2 of terrain marked by similar magnetic features has not yet been sampled. Trail-Minto is in a similar geological environment to that of Victoria's Gold's Eagle mine, Snowline Gold's Rogue Project and Sitka Gold's RC Project.

Soil Sampling – Edmonton: At Edmonton, an SGH survey validated the likely presence of sub-surface gold and base mineral mineralization as previously delineated by geochemical soil sampling. The anomalous zones flank a large magnetic low that is believed to be indicative of an underlying intrusive and associated alteration. The base metal and gold zones likely relate to the different fractionation of metals within an intrusive or its sub-phases.

Soil Sampling- Carlin West: The width of the area with the highest values for silver in soil (30g Ag/t) are suggestive of shoots enriched in silver where various zones intersect. The plots for silver at Carlin West suggest multiple zones at azimuths of 285º, 300º and 330º. To the north, parallel silver zones trending at an azimuth of 60º± are present.

This set has been termed the AJ anomaly. Both group of anomalous zones have high-grade grab samples associated with them: Carlin West - 3,394g and 662g Ag/t; AJ- 412, 182, and 179 g Ag/t.