
The Manager Company Announcement Office ASX Limited 3 December 2015


  1. The Company refers to the Placement Confirmation Letter and the Placement Acceptance Form both dated 30 June 2015 made between the Company and ASAF Critical Metals Limited and its Announcements to the ASX of 30 June 2015, 8 July 2015 and 18 September 2015 relating to the abovementioned matter.

  2. The Company is pleased to announce that it is has received the audited Financial Statements as at 30 June 2015 of AUS Streaming Investments Limited ("AUS Streaming") together with other documentation relating to AUS Streaming. The Financial Statements show, amongst other things, net assets of US$224,967,440 (about A$312,700,000 as at 30 November 2015).

  3. The Company is currently working with its professional advisers for the purposes of producing the relevant documentation required to be presented to shareholders in order to complete the acquisition of AUS Streaming.

  4. The Company reminds shareholders and potential investors that:

    1. the ASX Listing Committee believes that ASX Listing Rule 11.1.3 applies to the transactions envisaged under the aforesaid Placement Confirmation Letter and the Placement Acceptance Form and that the Company will need to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules; and,

    2. in the circumstances, the Company does not believe that compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules will place any significantly material additional obligations than those envisaged under the aforesaid Placement Confirmation Letter and the Placement Acceptance Form dated 30 June 2015.


      7 Dallas Street,

      Mt Waverley, Victoria 3149 Australia

      Tel: (613) 9807 5639

      Fax (613) 9807 0414

      Hong Kong

      1st Floor, Harbour Commercial Building, 122-124 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

      Tel: (852) 2877 6828

      Fax: (852) 2596 0451

      Indicative Timetable
    3. The parties are otherwise progressing with the matters required of each of them under the Placement Confirmation Letter and Placement Acceptance Form. Periodic announcements updating shareholders of the progress of this matter will be made as required from time to time.

    4. Naturally, shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.

      About Murchison Holdings Limited
    5. MCH is an investment holding company registered in Australia and the parent company of, inter alia:

      1. Quest Investments Limited (ASX Code: QST) - a diversified financial services group registered in Australia. QST is the parent company of inter alia:

        1. Quest Stockbroking (HK) Limited - a Hong Kong company engaged in stockbroking activities and the holder of a Type 1 licence issued by the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong; and

        2. Quest Securities (Australia) Limited - an Australian registered company engaged in corporate advisory activities and the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence.

          Shareholders should note the announcement made to the ASX by each of MCH and QST on 24 November 2015 relating to the acquisition by QST of eighty per cent (80%) of the issued securities in Gold Lord Investments Inc ("Gold Lord") which securities shall be valued at not less than A$124,168,000 in consideration of the issue of 620,840,000 ordinary fully paid shares in QST to Mr Lok.

        3. Murchison International Limited - the holder of about a 2% interest in a residential and commercial property project located in the Shiqui District - the city centre district - of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China. The project comprises seven high-end towers with 1,135 residential units, five units of contemporary style town houses, a club house and retail shops with a total grows floor are of about 129,000 sqm.

          About AUS Streaming
        4. MCH has been advised by AUS Streaming Investments as follows:

          1. AUS Streaming is a company incorporated in the Marshall Islands;

          2. the principal activities of AUS Streaming and its subsidiaries ("Group") include:

            1. sourcing, investigating and, where appropriate, entering into "streaming" agreements. Streaming agreements, also referred to as volumetric production payment agreements, are financing arrangements whereby companies are offered capital, often prior to mine infrastructure being built in exchange for an interest in

              future mine production. Stream agreements are an accretive financing tool that can enable resource or business owners to minimize dilution and accelerate production or sales;

            2. the benefits of a streaming agreement include, the provision of capital to the miner for mine development without dilution, and the streaming company, which has fixed the costs of its investment and will benefit from the potential upside of future exploration at the mine site.

            3. ownership of investments concentrated in the natural resources sector which will be realised and converted into cash over the coming years in order to reinvest into the streaming contracts;

            4. AUS Streaming has audited net assets of US$224,967,440 (about A$312,700,000 as at 30 November 2015); and,

            5. For more information on AUS Streaming Investments please visit the company's website www.ausstreaming.com.

              About ASAF Critical Metals Limited
            6. ASAF has advised that:

              1. it is a holding company incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and the parent company of entities engaged in building a leading critical metals group focused on a critical metals streaming strategy; and,

              2. it has about 280 shareholders who will be nominated as the placees of the shares issued pursuant to the Placement Confirmation Letter.

              3. For further information contact: Chiang Wee Tiong

                Executive Chairman Murchison Holdings Limited Telephone: (852) 2877 6828

                Email: cwt@murchisongroup.com

                Grant A Robertson Director/Company Secretary Murchison Holdings Limited Telephone: (03) 9807 5639

                Email: garobertson@murchisongroup.com

                By order of the Board of Directors Chiang Wee Tiong Executive Chairman
              distributed by