The National Petrochemical Company (Petrochem) is pleased to announce the start of nomination acceptance for its board of directors new session, (that starts April 11th ,2013 for a period of three years) Eligible shareholders who are interested in running for membership in the Board of Directors and own 1,000 shares or more, can submit application to Petrochem at the below-mentioned address before the end of working day of Wednesday, 18Rabi I 1434H corresponding to 30 Jan 2013, taking into consideration the terms and conditions mentioned in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry circular No. 222/3245/9362 dated 18/6/1412H and circular No. 222/205/3800 dated 26/12/1420. The application request must include the following:
1) A resume of nominee containing qualifications and experience related to the business of the Company.
2) Nominees who have served as Board Members or committee members in Joint Stock Companies, or continue to serve, are required to submit a record showing the list and dates of such memberships.
3) A record of companies or institutions in similar line of business that he is managing or has an interest in directly or indirectly.
4) A clear copy of the nominees ID, and all the following contact information (mobile No., fax, office telephone, and email address).
5) Complete CMA form (3) according to a circular body number (4/2359) dated 3/28/2010, which can be downloaded from the site of the Capital Market Authority (
The company will send all applications to the Ministry of Commerce for its approval, after which they will be presented to the General Assembly to conduct the vote.
All applications should be sent to:
National Petrochemical Company (Petrochem)
Attention: Board of Secretary
P.O.Box 99833, Riyadh 11625
Tel. 01-219-2522 ext. 201
Fax. 01-219-2523

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