Northland Resources S.A. announced that an unanimous board of directors have decided to base the CEO in Luleå. The board also mandated to the acting CEO to review relocating certain group functions to Luleå. The Stockholm office has been based around CEO, CFO, Investor Relations and
other supporting staff. In view of the fact that the company is now entering a more operational phase, with main focus on the continuous operation of the Kaunisvaara mine, it is natural to base most of these functions in Luleå. The Stockholm office at Hovslagargatan will therefore be closed as of October 1st 2013, making Northland the first listed company in modern times with CEO and most of its management team in Norrbotten. The board also decided that Northland's exploration work will be concentrated in the Kaunisvaara area. Other exploration activities in Sweden and Finland will be
minimized. The DFS for Hannukainen will be presented as scheduled during end of 2013.