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(Stock Code: 302) Suspension Announcement

We refer to the joint announcement dated 29 July 2014 ("Joint Announcement") issued by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited ("OCBC"), OCBC Pearl Limited (the "Offeror"), and Wing Hang Bank, Limited (the "Bank") announcing, inter alia, the close of the Offers. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Joint Announcement.
As set out in the Joint Announcement, the Offeror and its Concert Parties are interested in an aggregate of
300,731,090 WHB Shares (representing approximately 97.52 per cent. of the issued share capital of WHB as at the date of the Joint Announcement) upon the close of the Offers.
Accordingly, since the percentage of the Bank's public float fell below 15 per cent. on 29 July 2014, trading in the securities of the Bank is suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 30 July 2014 pursuant to Note 1 to Rule
8.08(1)(b) of the Listing Rules.
By Order of the Board Wing Hang Bank, Limited LEUNG Chiu Wah Company Secretary
Hong Kong, 30 July 2014
As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Bank comprises:

Executive directors

Dr FUNG Yuk Bun Patrick JP (Chairman & Chief Executive) Mr Frank John WANG (Deputy Chief Executive)
Mr FUNG Yuk Sing Michael

Non-executive directors

Mr HO Chi Wai Louis
Mr Stephen Dubois LACKEY Mr Brian Gerard ROGAN

Independent non-executive directors

Mr LAU Hon Chuen Ambrose GBS, JP Mr LI Sze Kuen Billy
Mr TSE Hau Yin Aloysius

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