CrowdGather, Inc. announced that it has launched the public beta version of its new self-service advertising platform at Adisn(R) allows online advertisers to easily gain access to CrowdGather's network of niche communities, while providing third-party forum owners an alternative exchange on which to list their available ad inventory. The Adisn platform accommodates all advertisers, from small businesses seeking geographically targeted campaigns through the self-service portal, to large agencies or brands who wish to launch broad campaigns and may need concierge service from the Company's sales staff.

Similar to other self-service platforms, advertisers can begin signing up to create and launch new campaigns. However, Adisn is unique as it enables advertisers to target vertically defined categories comprised of special interest and niche forums of all sizes. Thus, advertisers who join the platform will gain immediate access to influencers and enthusiasts in a variety of subjects.

In addition to display advertising, CrowdGather will also offer the opportunity to engage communities through sponsored posts and content marketing.