Platinex Inc. announced exploration progress and plans for its South Timmins Mining Joint Venture (?South Timmins Mining? or ?Joint Venture?) properties. The South Timmins Mining properties include the Shining Tree, Heenan, and Mallard gold projects, all of which lie along the Ridout-Tyrrell Deformation Zone (?RTDZ?) in the Abitibi Subprovince, one of the most gold enriched geologic regions in the world.

IAMGOLD/Sumitomo?s Côté Gold project, Aris Mining?s Juby deposit, and numerous other small-scale historic gold producers fall within or are proximal to the RTDZ. Following a comprehensive technical review of the South Timmins Mining assets, the Joint Venture has finalized its plans for an inaugural exploration program. Once the initial programs described below have been completed, drilling (approximately 2,000 meters) will commence during the second half of 2023, with more advanced field programs continuing through the joint venture earn-in period.