Q BioMed Inc. announced that Christopher Manuele will join the Strontium 89 Chloride commercialization team. Mr. Manuele is a results-oriented, innovative executive with thirty-five years of comprehensive US and International expertise in nuclear medicine and medical isotope production. Mr. Manuele joins VP of Product Development and equally experienced David Laskow-Pooley in directing the roll out and development of the Strontium 89 product. Mr. Laskow-Pooley has 40 years of experience in all aspects of the discovery, development and commercialization of pharmaceutical products, diagnostics and devices. He is an industry veteran and has a distinguished career working for numerous pharmaceutical and life sciences companies. David has held director, executive officer and general management posts in both small and major multinational companies including GSK, Abbott, Amersham plc, Life technologies, OSI, Bilcare and Surface Therapeutics.