RMB HOLDINGS LIMITED announced resignation of Mr. Jannie Durand as a chairman and Mr. Johan Burger, Mr. Laurie Dippenaar, Mr. Paul Harris, Mr. Ralph Mupita, Mr. David Frankel and Mr. Francois Knoetze as Non-executive directors. Ms Sonja De Bruyn has been appointed as interim Chairman of the board until the annual general meeting in December 2020 with Mr. Murphy Morobe remaining as lead independent director. Mr. Udo Lucht, currently an alternate director to Ms Albertinah Kekana, will replace Mr. Obakeng Phetwe as director and Mr. Phetwe will become the alternate director to Ms Kekana. Further to this announcement, Mr. Peter Cooper confirmed that he would not be available for re-election at the upcoming annual general meeting in December 2020. All the changes are to be effective from July 7, 2020.