Royale Furniture Holdings Limited announced that Ms. Yu Yinghong ("Ms. Yu") resigned as executive Director; Mr. Yang Jun ("Mr. Yang") has been re-designated from non-executive Director to executive Director and chief executive officer of the Company ("Chief Executive Officer"); Mr. Tse Kam Pang ("Mr. Tse") ceased to be Chief Executive Officer while remaining as the chairman of the Board and an executive Director; and Mr. Wu Ding Liang ("Mr. Wu") has been appointed as a non-executive Director. Mr. Wu will enter into a director's service agreement with the company for a fixed term of one year commencing on 11 October 2019. He will not receive any remuneration for acting as non-executive Director of the company.

He will hold office until the next general meeting of the company and is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election in general meetings in accordance with the articles of association of the company.