The board of directors of Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Company Limited announced that Mr. Guo Li, an independent non-executive director of the Company has notified the Board that, as restricted under article 15 of the Announcement [2022] No. 14 "Rules for Independent Directors of Listed Companies" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission that independent directors should not serve for more than six years, will not offer himself for re-election as INED at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company and also will retire from the member of the audit committee, nomination committee and the remuneration and evaluation committee of the Board. His retirement will be effective on the date of the forthcoming AGM upon passing of the resolution for the appointment of a replaced INED.

The Board announced that the Board and the nomination committee of the Company have approved to propose the election of Madam Zou Fuwen ("Madam Zou") as INED and a resolution will be proposed by the Board for approval at the AGM to fill the casual vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Guo. Upon the passing of the resolution proposed to elect Madam Zou as INED at the AGM, the Company will enter into an INED service contract with Madam Zou for a term of 3 years from the next date of the AGM until the expiry date of the 9th session of the Board, i.e. 2 June 2025.