ASX Announcement / Media Release

8 May 2013

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Hammamet West-3 Well - Weekly Operations Update Report No. 6

Cooper Energy Limited (ASX:"COE") ("Cooper Energy") as Operator (and 30% joint venture interest) of the Bargou Permit, offshore Tunisia provides the following operational update on the Hammamet West-3 well.

Well Details: Hammamet West-3 is located 15 km offshore and 1.6 km east of Hammamet West-2 in 54 metres water depth (see attached map). The nearest producing field is Maamoura, 12 km SW.

The well objective is to drill and test a highly deviated wellbore through the naturally fractured Abiod Formation reservoir to confirm oil productivity.

Activity at 06:00 hours, The well is currently drilling 12¼ inch hole section at 1551 mRT. 7th May, Tunisia time: Progress Since Last The 13