Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery, Inc. announced it has partnered with a major application and technology partner for the release of the “Galleon Quest” app-based game for use on multiple platforms and devices, including iOS, Android, Xbox, PC, tablet, mobile and others. The Company has set a preliminary date of July 4, 2020, for release of the game. The Company has purchased the naming and trademark rights for “Galleon Quest” and is partnering with Probability & Statistics, Inc. (“P&S”) of Palm Bay, Florida, for the development of the game. The game, which is based on live, real-world shipwrecks and treasure recovery, is multidimensional and can be single user or used in groups. The “Galleon Quest” game will involve users having initial ships, divers, abilities and treasure, along with dangers. The game offers a user-friendly, easy-to-learn format that fosters user immersion and diversion. As players move forward in the game, they can recover treasure, build their fleet, increase their capabilities and grow their treasury. The purchase of trademarks for the “Galleon Quest” name was conducted in a series of transactions to be described later. The most popular genres for mobile games are puzzle, strategy and role-playing games. Approximately 50% of gamers in the Western Hemisphere are women. The Company expects to grow “Galleon Quest” in many ways.