16 July 2015
ASX Market Announcements
Level 4
20 Bridge Street

Conversion of Convertible Notes

Vector Resources Limited (Vector or the Company) advises that it has received notices for the conversion of 1,850,000 convertible notes (Notes).
Pursuant to the terms of the Notes, the 1,850,000 Notes, with a face value of $1,850,000, will convert at an issue price of $0.002 per Note into 925,000,000 ordinary fully paid shares in the capital of the Company.
An Appendix 3B will be lodged on completion of the issue of new shares. Yours faithfully
N J Bassett
Company Secretary

ABN 99 107 541 453 Suite 4, Henry James Building, 8 Alvan Street, Subiaco, WA 6008; PO box 1325, West Perth, WA 6872

Tel.: +61 8 6188 7800 Fax: +61 8 9381 9888

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