Microsoft Word - Eng estratto convocazione 24 aprile 2015

Please note that the original notice is in Italian. In case of doubt the Italian version prevails.


VITTORIA ASSICURAZIONI S.p.A. Share Capital: 67.378.924,00 euros wholly paid up - Tax Code and Milan company registration number 01329510158 Registered offices in Milan - Via Ignazio Gardella, 2 - Registered in the insurance and reinsurance register under Section I No. 1.00014 - Parent Company of the Vittoria Assicurazioni Group of Insurance Companies Extract of convening notice for the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting

The Shareholders of Vittoria Assicurazioni S.p.A. are called to attend the Ordinary
Shareholders' Meeting at the registered office in Milan, Via Ignazio Gardella No.
2, on Friday 24th April 2015 at 10.30 a.m. on first call and, if necessary, on Monday 27th April 2015 at the same time and place, on second call, to discuss and resolve on the following


1. Proposal for the approval of a Shareholders' Meeting Regulation.
2. Financial Statements as of 31st December 2014, report of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors; relative resolutions.
3. Remuneration Policies; Report of the Board of Directors; relative resolutions.
Information regarding the share capital and the methods and terms for:

- participating and casting votes in the Shareholders' Meeting (please note that the "record date" is 15 April 2015);

- participating and casting votes in the Shareholders' Meeting by proxy and through the Appointed Representative;

- exercising the right to add items to the agenda, the right to submit new proposed resolutions and the right to ask questions on the issues on the agenda;

- the availability of the reports on the items on the agenda and the documentation relating to the Shareholders' Meeting

is set forth in the full convocation notice available on the website Relations - Shareholders' Meetings) to
which reference is made.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
The Managing Director
Roberto Guarena

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