Carta a Elena Salgado

February 28 - World Rare Disease Day

Zeltia joins World Rare Disease Day · The company joins the campaign "Living with a rare disease" · The main objective of EURORDIS campaign (Rare Diseases Europe) is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision- makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives. · The 2015 slogan "day-by-day, hand-in-hand" calls for solidarity as together patients, families, caregivers, patient organisations and healthcare professionals can participate in improving the lives of people living with a rare disease Madrid, 27 February 2015. Zeltia joins World Rare Disease Day that will be held tomorrow, February 28, with the slogan "Day-by-day, hand-in-hand". The company joins the awareness campaign organized by EURORDIS (Rare Diseases Europe) "Living with a Rare Disease" that recognises the millions of families, friends and caregivers whose daily lives are impacted by rare diseases, about 30 million people in Europe alone.

The staff of Zeltia is taking part in this World Day with various activities to raise awareness and mobilization in social networks with the Hastag #raredisease.

About Rare Diseases

A disease or disorder is defined as rare in Europe when it affects less than 1 in 2000. One rare disease may affect only a handful of patients in the EU, and another touch as many as 245,000. There are more than 6000 rare diseases. On the whole, rare diseases may affect 30 million European Union citizens. 80% of rare diseases are of genetic origin, and are often chronic and life-threatening.

About Zeltia

Zeltia S.A. is a world-leading biopharmaceutical company specialised in the development of marine-based drugs for use in oncology. Grupo Zeltia consists mainly of the following companies: PharmaMar, the world- leading biotechnology company in advancing cancer care through the discovery and development of innovative marine-derived medicines; Genómica, Spain's leading molecular diagnostics company; Sylentis, dedicated to researching therapeutic applications of gene silencing (RNAi); and a chemical division comprising Zelnova and Xylazel, two highly profitable companies that are leaders in their respective market segments.

For more information, contact the media relations department at:

- Grupo Zeltia: +34 91 444 4500

- PharmaMar: +34 91 846 6108

Or visit our websites, www.pharmamar.comand


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