ZICO Holdings Inc. announced that Mr. Chew Liong Kim ("Mr. Chew") will, with effect from 1 January 2022, be re-designated as a Non-Independent, Non-Executive Director ("Re-designation"). In compliance with the requirement under Provision 6.2 of the Code of Corporate Governance 2018, whereby the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee ("RC") must be independent, Mr. Chew will also step down as Chairman of the RC and remain as a member of the RC. Dato' Thambynathan Jasudasen, who is a member of the RC, will be re-designated as the new Chairman of the RC in place of Mr. Chew.

The reconstituted RC will take effect from 1 January 2022. Remuneration Committee: Dato' Thambynathan Jasudasen (Chairman); John Lim Yew Kong (Member); Chew Liong Kim (Member).