Advanced Card Systems Holdings Limited

* (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 8210)


The members of the board of directors (the "Board") of Advanced Card Systems Holdings
Limited are set out below:

Executive Directors

Mr. Wong Yiu Chu, Denny (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. Tan Keng Boon
Ms. Tsui Kam Ling, Alice

Independent Non-Executive Directors

Mr. Yu Man Woon
Mr. Wong Yick Man, Francis
Mr. Lo Kar Chun, Nicky, SBS, JP
There are 3 Board committees. The membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves are set out below:

Audit Committee

Mr. Yu Man Woon (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Yick Man, Francis
Mr. Lo Kar Chun, Nicky, SBS, JP

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Lo Kar Chun, Nicky, SBS, JP (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Yiu Chu, Denny
Mr. Yu Man Woon

Nomination Committee

Mr. Wong Yiu Chu, Denny (Chairman)
Ms. Tsui Kam Ling, Alice
Mr. Yu Man Woon
Mr. Wong Yick Man, Francis
Mr. Lo Kar Chun, Nicky, SBS, JP
Hong Kong, 21 May 2014

* For identification purpose only

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