According to 80% of business leaders, technology is the No. 1 means for improved collaboration in the meeting room. But at the same time, one out of four US employees say they experience technology overload in their work life.

Finding the right balance has never been easy. But with all the whistles and bells introduced by manufacturers, employees might get even more upset. Does your staff feel confident to start using whiteboard mode, collaborative editing or universal multi-touch technology?

At Barco, we consider three major factors in selecting the right presentation and collaboration tool. First of all, there's the choice between a wired, wireless and hybrid solution. With the launch of Google Chromecast, some market watchers announced the death of the cable. Premature or not, the world is going wireless and time will tell who killed the cable.

A second thing to consider is your digital canvas. Are you going for a single-screen presentation system? Are you looking for a panoramic multi-projector set-up? Or are you in need of a main screen, with one or more auxiliary screens?

And last but not least: how interactive do your users want their collaboration to be? Are they into easy sharing of multiple screens and sources? Or are they looking for state-of-the-art, multi-touch interaction? Food for thought. But let's not forget that 77% of users cite ease of use as the No. 1 parameter for wireless presentation and collaboration.

SWITCH is our framework for taking collaboration to the next level, an acronym standing for S ecurity, W ho is in your meeting room, I ntegration, T echnology, C ross-platform and H uman factors.

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