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(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)


The Board of the Company announces that Dr. Zhang Yuzhuo, an Executive Director of the third session of the Board of the Company, was elected and appointed as the Chairman of the third session of the Board of the Company with effect from the current date.
Dr. Ling Wen, an Executive Director of the third session of the Board of the Company, was elected and appointed as the Vice Chairman of the third session of the Board of the Company with effect from the current date.
Mr. Zhai Richeng, a Supervisor of the third session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company, was elected and appointed as the Chairman of the third session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company with effect from the current date.


The board of directors (the "Board") of China Shenhua Energy Company Limited (the "Company") announces that Dr. Zhang Yuzhuo ("Dr. Zhang"), an Executive Director of the third session of the Board, was elected and appointed as the Chairman of the third session of the Board with effect from the current date (the "Appointment of Chairman of the Board"). The term of office of Dr. Zhang will last until the expiry of the service term of the third session of the Board, and Dr. Zhang is eligible for re-appointment upon re-election.

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The biographical details of Dr. Zhang are as follows:
Zhang Yuzhuo, male, Chinese, born in January 1962. He is a researcher, a fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and is experienced in enterprise management and has rich experience in enterprise management of the coal industry in China. He graduated in 1982 from Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree, received a master's degree from China Coal Research Institute in 1985 and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Science and Technology of Beijing in 1989. From 1992 to 1996, Dr. Zhang conducted postdoctoral studies and research in clean coal technology at the University of Southampton in the UK and Southern Illinois University in the USA.
Dr. Zhang has served as the chairman and an executive director of the third session of the board of directors of the Company since August 2014.
Dr. Zhang has served as the chairman of the board of directors of Shenhua Group Corporation Limited ("Shenhua Group Corporation") since May 2014, and a director of Shenhua Group Corporation since December 2008.
Dr. Zhang was the chairman of China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd. from 2003 to
2010, a non-executive director of the second session of the board of directors of the Company from
2004 to 2010, the chairman of Shenhua International (Hong Kong) Company Limited from 2005 and the chairman to 2010, general manager of Shenhua Group Corporation from 2008 to 2014, and an executive director, the vice chairman and the chairman of the board of director of the Company successively from 2011 to 2014.
Previously, Dr. Zhang was a non-executive director of the first session of the board of directors of the Company, deputy general manager of Shenhua Group Corporation, the president of the China Coal Research Institute, chairman of China Coal Technology Corporation, chairman of Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd. and deputy general manager of Shandong Yankuang Group Co., Ltd.
Save as disclosed above, Dr. Zhang has not held any directorship in other listed companies in the past three years.
Save as disclosed above, Dr. Zhang has no relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Dr. Zhang does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the laws of Hong Kong) (the "Securities and Futures Ordinance").
Pursuant to the existing service contract entered into between Dr. Zhang and the Company, the remuneration of Dr. Zhang will be determined by the shareholders during the annual general meeting following the articles of association of the Company, with reference to the proposal raised by the Remuneration Committee to the Board in accordance with the terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee.

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Save as disclosed above, there is no other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule
13.51(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules"), and the Company is not aware of any other matters in relation to the Appointment of Chairman of the Board that need to be brought to attention of shareholders.


The Board announces that Dr. Ling Wen ("Dr. Ling"), an Executive Director of the third session of the Board, was elected and appointed as the Vice Chairman of the third session of the Board with effect from the current date (the "Appointment of Vice Chairman of the Board"). The term of office of Dr. Ling will last until the expiry of the service term of the third session of the Board, and Dr. Ling is eligible for reappointment upon re-election.
The biographical details of Dr. Ling are as follows:
Ling Wen, male, Chinese, born in February 1963. He has in-depth and extensive experience in financial institution and enterprise management. Dr. Ling graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a bachelor's degree in science in 1984, received a master's degree in systems engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1987 and received a Ph.D. degree in management engineering in 1991. From 1992 to 1994, Dr. Ling conducted postdoctoral research in macroeconomics in the Department of Automation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Dr. Ling has served as the vice chairman and an executive director of the third session of the board of directors of the Company since August 2014 and the chairman of the board of directors of Shenhua Finance Company. In addition, Dr. Ling is a professor and mentor for doctoral students at Renmin University of China and China University of Mining and Technology.
Dr. Ling has served as the general manager of Shenhua Group Corporation since May 2014, and a director of Shenhua Group Corporation since April 2010.
Dr. Ling was the president, an executive director and the vice chairman of the Company successively from 2006 to 2014, and deputy general manager of Shenhua Group Corporation from 2010 to 2014.
Previously, Dr. Ling was an executive director of the first session of the board of directors of the Company, the executive vice president and chief financial officer of the Company, the deputy general manager of the International Business Department of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, deputy general manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited and chairman of UB China Business Management Company Limited.
Save as disclosed above, Dr. Ling has not held any directorship in other listed companies in the past three years.

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Save as disclosed above, Dr. Ling has no relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Dr. Ling does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Pursuant to the existing service contract entered into between Dr. Ling and the Company, the remuneration of Dr. Ling will be determined by the shareholders during the annual general meeting following the articles of association of the Company, with reference to the proposal raised by the Remuneration Committee to the Board in accordance with the terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee.
Save as disclosed above, there is no other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule
13.51(2) of the Listing Rules, and the Company is not aware of any other matters in relation to the
Appointment of Vice Chairman of the Board that need to be brought to attention of shareholders.


The Board announces that Mr. Zhai Richeng ("Mr. Zhai"), a Supervisor of the third session of the Supervisory Committee, was elected and appointed as the Chairman of the third session of the Supervisory Committee with effect from the current date (the "Appointment of Chairman of the Supervisory Committee"). The term of office of Mr. Zhai will last until the expiry of the service term of the third session of the Supervisory Committee, and Mr. Zhai is eligible for reappointment upon re-election.
The biographical details of Mr. Zhai are as follows:
Zhai Richeng, male, Chinese, born in July 1964. He is a senior accountant. Mr. Zhai received a bachelor and a master degree from China University of Mining and Technology in 1987 and 2003 respectively.
Mr. Zhai has served as the general manager of financial department of Shenhua Group (ranked as the assistant to general manager of Shenhua Group) from January 2011.
Mr. Zhai served as the general manager of financial department of Shenhua Group from 2004 to
Previously, Mr. Zhai served as a deputy manager of financial department of Shenhua Group, a director of financial division and the chief accountant of Shenhua Zhungeer Coal Company.
Save as disclosed above, Mr. Zhai has not held any directorship in other listed companies in the past three years.

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Save as disclosed above, Mr. Zhai has no relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Zhai does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Pursuant to the existing service contract entered into between Mr. Zhai and the Company, the remuneration of Mr. Zhai will be determined by the shareholders during the annual general meeting following the articles of association of the Company, with reference to the proposal raised by the Remuneration Committee to the Board in accordance with the terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee.
Save as disclosed above, there is no other information required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule
13.51(2) of the Listing Rules, and the Company is not aware of any other matters in relation to the Appointment of Chairman of the Supervisory Committee that need to be brought to attention of shareholders.
By Order of the Board

China Shenhua Energy Company Limited Huang Qing

Secretary to the Board of Directors

Beijing, 22 August 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises the following: Dr. Zhang Yuzhuo, Dr. Ling Wen, Mr. Han Jianguo and Mr. Wang Xiaolin as executive directors, Mr. Chen Hongsheng and Mr. Wu Ruosi as non-executive directors, and Ms. Fan Hsu Lai Tai, Mr. Gong Huazhang and Mr. Guo Peizhang as independent non-executive directors.

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