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(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 6030) ANNOUNCEMENT

Reference is made to the announcements of CITIC Securities Company Limited (the "Company") dated 29 August 2013 and 29 October 2013, respectively, in relation to, among other things, the appointment of Mr. Liu Lefei as an executive director of the Company.
The Company has recently received the "Approval relating to the Appointment of Mr. Liu Lefei as a Director of a Securities Company by Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau" (Shenzhengju Xu Ke Zi [2013] No. 197), pursuant to which, the appointment of Mr. Liu Lefei as a director of a securities company has been approved. According to such approval and the resolution passed at the
2013 Second Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company (please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 29 October 2013 for details), Mr. Liu Lefei has been appointed as an executive director of the Company commencing from the date of the approval, i.e. 19 December 2013. The term of office of Mr. Liu Lefei will end upon the expiration of the term of the fifth session of the board of directors of the Compamy (the "Board"). The remuneration of Mr. Liu Lefei as an executive director of the Company will be determined as necessary within the scope of the policy as approved at the general meeting of the Company (the biographical details of Mr. Liu Lefei are set out in the announcement of the Company dated 29 August 2013).
Currently, the number of directors of the Board has increased from nine to ten. In particular, the number of executive directors has increased from three to four.
By order of the Board

CITIC Securities Company Limited WANG Dongming Chairman

Beijing, the PRC
26 December 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. WANG Dongming, Mr. CHENG Boming, Mr. YIN Ke and Mr. LIU Lefei; the non-executive directors are Mr. JU Weimin and Mr. FANG Jun; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. WU Xiaoqiu, Mr. LEE Kong Wai, Conway, Mr. RAO Geping and Mr. WEI Benhua.

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