The Board of Directors of DiaSorin S.p.A:

 approved the Group's Consolidated Financial Statements at December 31, 2013;
 approved the Company's Draft Statutory Financial Statements at December 31, 2013;
 approved the motion for the allocation of the net profit, including the payment of a gross dividend of € 29,919,041.35, equal to € 0.55 on each share outstanding, with the exception of treasury shares, with May 19, 2014 coupon date, May 21, 2014 record date and May 22, 2014 payment date;
 approved the Compensation Report pursuant to Article 123-ter of Legislative Decree No. 58/1998;
 approved the Corporate Governance Report at December 31, 2013;
 resolved to adopt a new Stock Option plan pursuant to Article 114-bis of Legislative Decree 58/1998, which shall be implemented through use of treasury shares held by the Company pursuant to Article 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code;
 deemed it not necessary to replace Mr. Gian Alberto Saporiti, in connection with the end of his term of office occurred after his death, and delegated the next Shareholders' Meeting for any decision on the subject matter;
 resolved to call a Shareholders' Meeting on April 23, 2014 on the first calling and, if necessary, on April 28, 2014 on the second calling.

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