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Reference is made to the announcements of Fosun International Limited (the "Company") dated 12
September 2014 and 1 December 2014 respectively (the "Announcements"). Capitalized terms used in this announcement have the same meanings as defined in the Announcements, unless the context requires otherwise. The Company wishes to keep its shareholders and potential investors informed on the latest development of the Transaction.
After the Co-Initiators filed their improved offer on 1 December 2014 (as disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 1 December 2014), Global Resorts SAS improved the terms of its offer over the Target Shares by offering Euro24.00 per Target Share and Euro25.35 per OCEANE on 5 December 2014. AMF subsequently published a notice pursuant to which a deadline of
19 December 2014 (Paris time) was set for the Co-Initiators to further improve the terms of their offer over the Target Shares. On 19 December 2014 (Paris time), the Co-Initiators decided to (1) improve the terms of the offer for the Target Shares and OCEANEs by increasing the offer price per Target Share from Euro23.50 to Euro24.60 and the offer price per OCEANE from Euro24.82 to Euro25.98 (the "Improved Offer"); and (2) modify the investment structure where Fidelidade, previously proposing to be a Co-Initiator and to directly hold the Target Shares upon the completion of the Tender Offer (as disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 12 September 2014), now will invest directly in Holding Gaillon II, thus making Gaillon Invest II the sole offeror for the Target Shares and OCEANEs for the purpose of the Improved Offer. The modification to the investment structure allows Gaillon Invest II to implement a squeeze-out procedure permitted by French law in case the minority
shareholders hold less than 5% of the share capital and voting rights of Club Med after the completion


of the Improved Offer. An amendment to the Investment Agreement was executed to reflect such a decision, and pursuant to the terms of the amended Investment Agreement, the additional amount of cash to be contributed by the Group will be approximately Euro38 million. Other relevant documents have also been modified in order to reflect the new terms and conditions of the Transaction.
As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.04(9) of the Listing Rules) in relation to the formation of the Joint Venture and launching of the tender offer in France (including the Group's additional capital commitment) exceed 5% but all such percentage ratios are less than 25%, the formation of the Joint Venture and launching of the tender offer in France still constitute a discloseable transaction of the Company under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules and is subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but is exempt from shareholders' approval requirement under the Listing Rules.

By Order of the Board Fosun International Limited Guo Guangchang


Shanghai, the PRC, 19 December 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Guo Guangchang, Mr. Liang Xinjun, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Mr. Ding Guoqi, Mr. Qin Xuetang and Mr. Wu Ping; the non-executive director is Mr. Fan Wei; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Zhang Shengman, Mr. Zhang Huaqiao and Mr. David T. Zhang.


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