Gas Natural Castilla y León, the distribution subsidiary of GAS NATURAL FENOSA in this region, has begun supplying natural gas to the town of Sarracín, Burgos. The company has invested more than 70,000 euros in building the necessary distribution network of over 700 metres in Sarracín, Burgos, which will provide service to 70 homes and businesses in the area. The size of this network will be increased to 1,000 metres over the coming months.

The works being carried out to install this infrastructure began in 2015 and more than 14 users are already enjoying this source of energy, including the local town council. The project will lay gas pipes along Calle Real, Calle Convento, Calle Santísima Trinidad, Calle Doctor Temiño, Calle Magdalena, Calle Estación, Calle Retorto, Calle Constitución, Calle Prolongación Constitución and Avenida de Burgos.

The company has received collaboration from Sarracín Town Council, whose support has been essential in bringing a gas supply to the town so its residents can enjoy a competitive and safe source of energy that offers convenience and respect for the environment.

Another 24 users will join the 14 supply points already in service over the coming days. The distribution company plans to have 40 supply points connected to the network by the end of the year.

Presence in Burgos

Gas Natural Castilla y León - a distribution subsidiary of GAS NATURAL FENOSA - has over 82,270 supply points in 18 towns in the province of Burgos, meaning that more than 105,600 residents of Burgos have access to this source of energy.

Through its distribution subsidiaries, GAS NATURAL FENOSA is the leading natural gas distribution group in Spain. In 2014, it had over 5.2 million supply points and 48,900 kilometres of distribution network in the 10 autonomous regions where it operates.

Burgos, 1 April 2015.

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