Microsoft Word - EW00270BReply_jc

Name(s) and address of Shareholder(s):



To: Guangdong Investment Limited

(Stock Code: 0270)

c/o Tricor Tengis Limited

Level 22, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

I/We would like to receive all future Corporate Communications indicated below:


(股份代號:0270) 由卓佳登捷時有限公司代收

靬港皇后大道東 183 號 合和中心 22 樓

(Note 6)

of Guangdong Investment Limited (the "Company") in the manner as


本人/吾等希望以下列方式收取粤海投資有限公司(「本公司」)日後所有公司通訊 :

(Please mark (V') in ONLY ONE of the following boxes) (請於下列各空格只選取其中一個空格在其內劃上「V'」號)

to read all future Corporate Communications published on the Company's website at in lieu of receiving printed copies,

and to receive notifications of the publication of the Corporate Communications on the Company's website by post; OR 於本公司網站(瀏覽日後所有公司通訊,以代替收取印刷本,並以郵寄方式收取關於公司通訊已在本公司網站發佈之通知; 或

to receive printed English version only of all future Corporate Communications; OR


to receive printed Chinese version only of all future Corporate Communications; OR


to receive both the printed English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communications.


Name(s) of Shareholder(s) Signature

股東姓名 訄署

Please use BLOCK CAPITALS 請用英文正楷填寫

Registered Address


Contact telephone number Date

聯絡電話號碼 日期

Notes 附註:
1. If the Company does not receive the duly completed and signed Reply Form or receive a response indicating objection from you by 28 May 2015 and until you inform the Company c/o the Share Registrar by reasonable prior notice in writing of your change of choice, you will be deemed to have consented to receive all future Corporate Communications on the Company's website only, and receiving notifications of the publication of the Corporate Communications on the Company's website in future by post.

如本公司於2015年5月28日仍未收到 閣下已填寫及訄署妥當的回覆表格,或並無收到 閣下表示反對的回應, 閣下將被視為已同意於本公司網站收取日後所

有之公司通訊,而本公司將就有關公司通訊在網站發佈之事宜,於日後以郵寄方式通知 閣下,直至 閣下在合理時間內向本公司(由股份過戶登記處代收)發


2. By choosing to read all the Company's future Corporate Communications on the Company's website in lieu of receiving printed copies, you have expressly consented to waive the right to receive the Corporate Communications in printed form.

一經選擇在本公司網站瀏覽本公司日後所有公司通訊以代替收取印刷本, 閣下已明示同意放棄收取公司通訊印刷本的權利。

3. If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this Reply Form in order to be valid.


4. The above instruction will apply to all future Corporate Communications to be sent to shareholders of the Company until you notify the Company otherwise by giving the Company c/o the Share Registrar reasonable prior notice in writing or by email to

上述指示適用於本公司日後向本公司股東發出之所有公司通訊,直至 閣下在合理時間內向本公司發出以其他方式收取公司通訊的預先書面通知或電郵為止,相


5. Shareholders can change the choice of means of receipt and/or language of the Company's Corporate Communications at any time by reasonable prior notice
either in writing or by an email to to the Company c/o the Share Registrar. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Reply Form.



6. "Corporate Communications" include annual/interim reports, notices, circulars, proxy forms, or other publications of the Company (including any "Corporate
Communication" as defined in the Listing Rules).


Please cut and stick the mailing label on the envelope MAILING LABEL郵寄標籤

when sending this Reply Form to us.

No postage stamp is required for local mailing

當 閣下寄回此回覆表格時,請將此郵寄標籤剪貼於信封上。

如在本港投寄, 閣下毋須貼上郵票。

Tricor Tengis Limited


Freepost No.簡便回郵號碼 37

Hong Kong 靬港

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