Colombia, Medellin, 07/01/2014

Filing Cancellation for Bonds Fifth Tranche

The Colombian Financial Superintendency has issued Resolution No. 2267 of December 16, 2013 cancelling filing with RNVE (National Registry of Securities and Issuers) for the Fifth Tranche of the Issue and Underwriting Program for COP 110,000 million, already redeemed in full. Since this is an Issue and Underwriting Program, RNVE filing is still in force for securities issued and not yet redeemed (Tranches 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8) and for securities yet to be issued as part of the overall quota of ISA's Debt Securities Issue and Underwriting Program.

INTERCONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA S.A. E.S.P NIT: 860.016.610-3 Dirección: Calle 12 Sur 18 - 168. Medellín, Colombia

Tel: + 57 4 3252270 Fax: + 57 4 3170848 A.A . 8915

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