
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2015/06/27

2.Company name:Kung Sing Engineering Co., Ltd.

3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or

  "subsidiaries"):head office

4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA

5.Name of the reporting media:Economic Daily E B5


6.Content of the report:Title:" Case revenue this year may

turn profit". Contents:KUNG SING (5521) ……

7.Cause of occurrence:NA

8.Countermeasures:Release material information to ensure that

the rights and interests of investors.

9.Any other matters that need to be specified:The newspaper

said kung sing expected to get rid of the deficit Section ,

the company only for the first quarter 2015 financial report,

is indeed higher than last year by 26% of revenue, and answered

media reporter asked about the phone, he told so far no loss

circumstances, this According to newspaper reports the media

title "public letter to major revenue, may turn profit this

year," the media set their own title, would like to clarify.
distributed by