Courtesy translation "PARMALAT S.p.A." Sede Legale: Collecchio (PR) - Via delle Nazioni Unite n. 4 Capitale Sociale deliberato € 1.940.000.000 sottoscritto e versato € 1.824.401.241 Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Parma, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA n. 04030970968 Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di B.S.A. S.A. Warrant Ordinary Shares Parmalat SpA 2005-2015

We inform the holders of the "Warrant Ordinary Shares Parmalat SpA 2005-2015" that the Board of Directors will be held on March 7th, 2014, at which time the Shareholders' Meeting of Parmalat SpA will be called.
From March 7th, 2014 (inclusive) until the date (inclusive) of the above-mentioned Meeting shall take
place the exercise of the warrants will be suspended and, in all cases, until the ex - dividends date
(exclusive) which may be resolved by the same Meeting, the exercise will remain suspended.

Collecchio, March 3, 2014 Parmalat S.p.A.
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