ROYAL DUT CH SHELL PLC - Buyback of Own Shares

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ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC- Buyback of Own Shares


DIdSftUplc ROKts hl.m 4 ltlnh.,2013ilp1.rd\Stdf«'c tlblm916,000 ''B"Shvtsu.plice d.224491ptnctptr . Fcm:tlbtimoftftst S.tftMD.Wi"cnmbtrof''}!'Shvts of RcrjùDJb:h.SftRpl:willbe 3,112,388$1mihnm.wtcnmbtrd.''B''Slwtsof

Ro,olDilnplnwlbe 2,614.!'50.189

ShQllh Jl. latiat t

IAtQcllatiollal, UX, BucO;pQall tcCUot: tUo (0)207 9U 5550

ShQll IbYQttoc latiaAt

Z:vcO):oQ: t ll 70 177 lSU

Ullitod. Stabit: d 111 2U 2069

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