July 22, 2014
For Immediate Release
Listed company name: SANKYO CO., LTD.
Representative: Kimihisa Tsutsui
President & COO
(TSE 1st Sec. Code 6417) Contact: Akihiko Ishihara
Director & Senior Executive Operating Officer
TEL.: +81-3-5778-7777

Notice concerning Determination of Certain Details of the Issuance of Stock

Compensation-type Stock Options (Subscription Rights to Shares)

SANKYO CO., LTD. (the Company) today announced that details of pending items were determined in connection with the issuance of subscription rights to shares as stock compensation-type stock options based on the resolution of the Company's board of directors made on July 4, 2014 to directors and operating officers of the Company and to directors of the Company's subsidiaries. Details are described below.
1. Persons to whom subscription rights to shares are to be allotted, the number of such persons, and the number of subscription rights to shares to be allotted
2. Total number of subscription rights to shares
3. Class and number of shares to be issued upon exercise of subscription rights to shares
87,100 shares of the Company's common stock
4. Amount to be paid in for the subscription rights to shares
295,400 yen per subscription right to shares (2,954 yen per share)
The above amount is calculated using the Black-Scholes model on the date of allotment of subscription rights to shares.
A person who receives allotment of subscription rights to shares (hereinafter referred to as the "holder of subscription rights to shares") offsets payment of the said amount to be paid in with the monetary claim against the Company* and thus is not required to pay any money.
*Such monetary claim is issued by the Company to a holder of subscription rights to shares at its discretion in the amount
equal to the amount to be paid in for the subscription rights to shares or is issued by a subsidiary of the Company to a holder of subscription rights to shares at its discretion in the amount equal to the amount to be paid in for the subscription rights to shares and is assumed by the Company. Such monetary claim is not compensation for labor and internal rules of the Company or the Company's subsidiaries hold neither the Company nor the Company's subsidiaries liable for payment.
Details of the issuance of subscription rights to shares other than the items described above are disclosed in the "Notice concerning Issuance of Stock Compensation-type Stock Options (Subscription Rights to Shares)" dated July 4, 2014.

This material is an English translation of Japanese announcement made on July 22, 2014. Although the Company intended to faithfully translate the Japanese document into English, the accuracy and correctness of this translation are not guaranteed.

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