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(incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 00152) (the 'Company')


It has come to Shenzhen International Holdings Limited (the 'Company')'s attention from published sources on 23 November 2015 and 24 November 2015 that Dr. Yim Fung, JP ('Dr. Yim'), a non-executive director of the Company, is not contactable. The Company has also tried to contact Dr. Yim without success.

Dr. Yim is a non-executive director of the Company and does not hold any other positions in the Company. Accordingly, the board of directors (the 'Board') of the Company considers that the absence of Dr. Yim will not have any material effect on the Board and the business and operations of the Company.

The Board will closely monitor any further information relating to Dr. Yim, and will make further announcement as and when appropriate.

By Order of the Board

Shenzhen International Holdings Limited Gao Lei


Hong Kong, 24 November 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board consists of Messrs. Gao Lei, Li Jing Qi, Zhong Shan Qun, Liu Jun and Li Lu Ning as executive directors, Dr. Yim Fung, JP as non-executive director and Messrs. Leung Ming Yuen, Simon, Ding Xun and Nip Yun Wing as independent non-executive directors.

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