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Shenzhen Investment Limited (the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") wishes to provide to the shareholders of the Company the attached press release of the sales performance of the Group for the period ended 30 June 2015.

This is a voluntary announcement made by the Company and the financial information set out in this announcement has not been audited nor reviewed by external auditor. Shareholders of the Company and potential investors are advised to exercise due care when dealing in the shares of the Company.



Hong Kong, 7 July 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises 9 directors, of which Mr. LU Hua, Mr. GAO Shengyuan, Mr. MOU Yong and Mr. LIU Chong are the executive directors of the Company, Dr. WU Jiesi and Mr. HUANG Yige are the non-executive directors of the Company and Mr. LI Wai Keung, Mr. WU Wai Chung, Michael and Dr. WONG Yau Kar David are the independent non-executive directors of the Company.

[For immediate release]

SZI Announces Unaudited Contracted Sales for June 2015

(7 July 2015 - Hong Kong) Shenzhen Investment Limited ("SZI" or the "Group", SEHK stock code: 604.HK) announces the Group's unaudited contracted sales for June 2015. The contracted sales of the Group for June 2015 amounted to approximately RMB3.3 billion, up 48.6% MoM and up 316% YoY. The contracted sales area was approximately 143,471 sq.m., at about the same level MoM and up 104% YoY. For the first half of 2015, the Group recorded a total contracted sales of approximately RMB7.66 billion, up 142% YoY, and the total contracted sales area was approximately
482,547 sq.m., up 71% YoY. The average selling price was approximately RMB15,869 per sq.m.. The Group has during the first half of 2015 achieved 69.6% of the contracted sales target of RMB11.0 billion for the year.
The sales performance of Shenzhen projects - UpperHills and Tanglang City was very promising. The contracted sales of UpperHills for June amounted to approximately RMB1.92 billion, up 149% MoM and up 21 times YoY. The contracted sales of Upperhills for the first six months of 2015 amounted to RMB3.38 billion, up 495% YoY, and the aggregate subscription amount thereof was approximately RMB5.65 billion. The contracted sales of Tanglang City for June amounted to approximately RMB690 million, up 11% MoM. For the six months ended 30 June 2015, the aggregate subscription amount of SZI's projects was approximately RMB10.0 billion. Given the promising sales performance of the Shenzhen projects, we are very confident in achieving the contracted sales target for 2015.
For enquiry, please contact: Shenzhen Investment Limited Nicole Zhou
Tel: (852) 2312 8746
Email: zhouq@shumyip.com.hk

Financial PR (HK) Ltd.

Dawn Lee
Tel: (852) 2610 0846
Fax: (852)2610 0842
Email: dawnlee@financialpr.hk

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