..... ....




Jul y 13 ,20 18



The Depu ty Manager

Departm ent of Corporate Serv ices BSE Lim i ted

PJ Towers , Dalal Stree t Mumbai - 400 00 I

Sc rip Code : 532784


Th e Mana ger

T he Nationa l Stock Exchange or India Limit ed Exc hange Pl aza, Plot No C/ 1, G B lock Bandra Kur la Co mpl ex

Mumbai - 40 0 051

Scrip Code: SO BHA

Dear Sir I Madam ,

S ub : Newspaper Advert isement of notice of Annual General Meeting.

Please find enclosed the new spape r adverti se ment of th e Notice of An nu al Gen eral Meetin g to be held on 7' 11 Aug ust, 20 I 8. e-vo tin g in format ion and comp letion of c1 ispatch of No t i ce of th e M ee tin g along with th e Annua l Report pub li shed i n Fin ancia l Expres and Prajav ani new spap ers as required und er the provi sio n ofSEB I (L ist in g Ob li ga ti ons and Di sclos ure Requirements) Regulation , 20 15.

We requ es t you to kindl y take th e afo resa id inform ation on reco rd and ob li ge.

T hank in g You .

Yours sin cere ly,






CIN . L45201KAI99SPLCOI847S I TEL· +91-80-49320000 I FAX. +9180 49320444[www.sobhaom







(~t$ ConltMU Department)

ltctl~" ~ ........ COO'fC, M'-'*'1 liE ) r..t.Mlhtt 400Dal M~Nr•ll'n. INII

(Qo.erd lllle< 021-47 11'3188. c::to~·l2t9n;Mti1&19PI.COCI06S7'


The Tata Power Company limited invites eXJ)fession ot interest ITOfTl eligible vendors tor the following FG0 (Flu&Gas OMulphurl:<>pacls.




For d etails of pre..qualffication requwements, bid security. purchasing of tender doctlment etc.• p lease 11$11 Tender seeLton o f our W'f!bsdle (URL:

~PQili!lU;~~ej)Qedlst aSQJ!). Eligible vendors wlll111g to participate may submd t11elr ex~ss.on of 111teresc along with the tender fee IO< lssueolbtddoc:umeMiat&SI by 24" JuJy. 2018


CIN: L24231TN I990PLCOI9053

Regd. Office: "Narbavi" No. 3, Lak.< hmanan Sttee~

T Nagar, C hennai-600017

PH: 044 28156653,28 156905, Fax: 044-28154952 e-rnail : in.fo@caplinpoint.net. websi te :www.caplinpoint.net


Put'SUIUlt to Regulation 4 7 of SEBI (l..isting obligations and Disclosure Requireme-nts) Regu lations, 20 IS, Notice is hereby gi'c-n that the meeting of the Board ofDirectots oftheCompany is schedu led to be held on MONDAY, AUGUS1' 06, 2018, inter a lia: I . 10 consider, tq>pru'e and take on recont the Un-audited f•inandal RC"SUit s tOr the quarterended Ju ne 30,2018.

2 . 'lb fix the.dateof Annual Geneml Meeting fOr the financial ycar201 7-18 and the- mattets ~eluted thereto.

1"be said notice mny be ac-ec-ssed on the Company's website. atwww.cnp linpoint.net andalso may be-ac::cessed on the stockexc.han!.ll('-web sitewww.bseindia.com and www. nseindia.c.om

For Caplin Point Laboratories Lirn.ited

Sdi -

Plaoe: Chennai Date: 12 .07.2018

Vinod Kwnar S Cotnpany SecretatY


Regd . Off: 011ice No. 141.Cente<> Sornna1h. Daman. Daman& 0;,.395210

CCifll .Off: 301-308, BllagwaiHouse, PlotA/19, Veera Desai Road. Ardleri ~. Mun 4IXXl58

Tel: 922·2673 21i02; Fax: 922·26132642; C N: L67100C019831'1.C004760;

Websill: wwH.doll1iwestcan: E-mal: post@<>


Nalce Is hereby givEn piiSUanl to Regt.lalioo 29 read -.llh Regulallon 47of tle SEBI (Ustllg Olligaloosand Disdosue Req l.irements) Regulallons, 2015. thai a Meetllg of tle Board of Dlectors of the Cany !llall be held on Monday, 23rd .I.Jiy, 2018. a1 fle Caporateofice of the ~ny ai301.3Q8, Bhag.vati Hoose. PloiA/19,Veera Desai Road, P<> (W«it). r.•.uroa i ·<> tocoosider and take on recad .the unaucll!>d 111ancial reSI.IIs fo r the 1st quarter ended 30th June. 2018 and to consider payment of klterimctildendand to transact anyoflerbuslless-.llh the perlrissbl of Chair.

The ~brmalioo Is also avalable oo the website of the Con.,any ai\Wlldo.JatmeslCOOJ as welason thewebsiteofBSEltdalw.;w.bSEtlcla.oom.

For Dotat Investments Limited


Oate: 12th July, 2018

Place : Murnbal

SandeepkumarG. BhaniiShall

CO<> Secretary


Notice Is hereby given In compianoe -..ith Regulation 47(1) (a) of lhe SEBI (Ust.lg Obligatioos and Di1dosure Requirements) Regulatioos, 2015. Dilt a meeOilg of the Boa<> of OlreeiOfS olthe Company will be hala on Wednesday. 25th July 2018, to consiCet inter alia and to take on record. the IM-Aud~ed Standalone &Consolidated Financial Results 10<thequane;ended 301h June 2018

The alotesaid information is also a~ on the Company's web$ile VoWH.'(sw in and also on the website$olthe National Stock Exchange ollndla U!Oied and BSE lJmited atwww n~ndla .oom andwww.bSeindia oomres~i•eiY·

For JSW Ste<~l wm•teo


Plate : Mumbai

Laney Varghese


B ~ Lawrie & Co.Ltd.

(A Government of India Enterprise)

Regd. Office: 21, Netajl Subhas Road, Kolkata 700 001

CIN: L15492W81924G01004835

Phone: 033-2222-.5313

E-ma~:bhavsar.k@balmerlawrie.com. Website: W>W~.bal mertawrie com


Notice is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 29 and Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requiremenls) Regulations, 2015, that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company w ill be held on Saturday, 281h July. 201B. inter-alia, to consider and approve t he Unaudited Fi nancial Results of the Company for the f i rst q uarter ended on 30th June, 2018.

Information in this regard is also available on t he website of the Company i.e.www.balmerlawrie.com and on the website of lhe Slock Exchange(s) i.e.www.bseindia .com and

www.nsei ndia.com

Place: Kolkata

Date: 1Oth July, 20 18

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.

Kavita Bhavsar Company Secretary


In terms o f the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, I2014 as amended from time to time, the Companyw ill conduct a poll on theday of th e meetin g and members who have not cas t their vo te throughremote e-votin g, shall be able to elercise their ri ght by voting in the poll.

The members of theCompany, whose name appears in the Register of Members of th e Company or in the Register of Beneficial Owners maintained by the depositories as on the cut-off date i.e. August 1, 2018, will be eligible to cast their vo teeither through remote e·voting or by way of poll.

For detailed instiJ ctions pertaining to e-voting, members may please refer Notes to Notice of the Annual General Meeting. In case of any queri es or gri evances pertaining to the e·voting procedure, shareholders may get in touch with the fo llowing:

Mr. Pallavi Mhatne Assistant Manager

National Securities OepositOI)' Limited Trade Worl d, 4th & 5th floor,

Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013

Tel : 1800 222 990 I 022 2499 4545 Email 10:evoting@nsdl.co.inPlace: Bangafore Date: July 12, 2018


O N: L4520 1KA 1995PLC018475,

Registered & Corporate Office: 'SOBHA', Saljapur - Marathahalli

Outer Ring Road (ORR), Oevarabisanahalli, Bellandur Post,

BANGALORE - 560 103, Phone: 080-4932 0000



NOTICE is hereby given that the 23"' Annual General Meetingof the members of the Company will be held on Tu esday, the 7"' day of August, 2018 at The Gat eway Hotel Residency Road Bangabre, 66, Residency Road, Bangalore 560 025 at 3.30 PM.

The notice setting out theordinal)' business and spedal business proposed to be transacted at th e meeting together with theAnnual Report has been sent to the members by post, courier or email as per the list of members provided by the depositories.

In terms of Sections 101 and 136 of the Companies M., 2013 read with the relevant rules made thereunder, the Annual Report of the Company containing the Noti ce of Annual General Meeting was sent through electronic mode by National Securities DepositoI)' Limited (NSOL) on 11" July, 2018 to th ose shareholders who have registered their email address. The physical copies of the Annual Reports weredespatched to th e remaining shareholders onor before 12"' July, 2018.

TheAnnual Report along w~h the Notice of the 23"' Annual General Meeting can also be accessed from the website of the Company: www sobha.com and the website of NSDL: www eyot ing nsdl,com. Shareholders, who wish to receive physical copies of the annual report may wr ~e to the Secretari al Department at the Registered and Corporate Office of th e Company or send an email to jovestors@sob b a rom,

The Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of the Companywill remain cb sed on July 27, 2018. The fi nal dividend of ~ 7 per equity share of ~ 10 recommended by the Board of Directors, if approved by the members of the Company at the Annual General Meetin g, will be paid on or before September 3, 2018.

In terms of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read w~h the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Oisdosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, theCompany has availed the services of NSOL for providing an e·voting platform to th e members o f th e Company for transacting the business of the Annual General Meeting.

The e-voting period shall commence on August 04, 2018 (9:00am) and end on August 06, 2018 (5:00 pm). The e-votin g moduleshall be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter. Once the vot e on a resolution is cast by the sh aneh o lde ~ it cannot be changed subsequently.

Members who have acquired the shares of the Company after the despatch of the Notice of Annual General Meeting may obtain the login !Oand password by sending a request toany of the foll owing email id s: e~otin g.@psd l.co. in or ~@lin kinti me.co. inor jnvestors@sob b a rom,

Member swho have cast their vote through remote e-voting prior to theAnnual General Meeting may also attend the meeting but such members shall not be entitled to cas t their vo te again.

Mr. Vighneshwar G Bhat Company Secretary and

Compliance Officer Sobha Li m ~ed, 'SOBHA', Sarjapur - Marathahalli Outer Ring Road (ORR),


Bellandur Post, Bangalore - 560 103

Tel : 080 4932 0000

Email ID:investors@sobha.com

For Sobha Limited

Vighneshwar G Bhat Company Secretary and

Compliance Officer

: THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS :~!~e~ 3 fi~!~c~:~: x press. com / c /303 16049



{ A Govt. of We st Bengal Enterprise)

Rttqd _Offlcf': Vtdyut !h.tv.tn. ! locl ·DJ. S.•c lo ll, 8id~nl.ll)llr. t: olht · 700 0•1

( 114 U401 09W81007G(1 1147J,<>m.nt •' 9m.ul<> 'A'W11 .wb11'd d.in

NIT No.: WBSEDCVR£/DOIJG/Y/SUB·STATION/2018·19/Nff.21 Date: 07.07.2018 Sealed bids In two pam (Part 1: Ttrhno.(omme<>l. Pan·ll: Pile!) arelnvlttd by tho Chid EngInter, Rur1l Eltctrif10tlon Wing. WISEOCL. Yldyut Bhmn(2• Floor, '0' lloQ), S.lt lab, KolhU· 700 091 under Domutlc Compttltivt Bidding for tile wOtks: (A) Otwlopmen1 ot land, CO!IStMI#l ol ~h 10ad itlld culw•1•ndfrown fllndofYBSEOCl &(8)<> of control """" buading withwater wpply a~rangenK~nt;~·~;:o:~~~:: switchyardwith allitd louOO.tions of stJUCtUreslequi pmem, coostruction of

Kllmat·Narajole B/1 1 V sub·statlon, Dill.· Paschlm M•d•nipur undtr

Est. Amount: For (A): Rs. t7.l l lakh, (8): Rs. 203.04 t.~h; Bid St<urity: R~ 4,40.500/·; Completion nm.: 10montill. ThePrD~tct shaHbe txl'<>ted on Contractual Mode. Sdloduloof Bid A<> Uploaclogoi'Tendl!f on Po!tdl:1!.07.2018(.. 10:00 hrs.};Sale ol8id Dool""'ts: from U.07.201S to 30.07.2018 (11:00 hrs.to13:30 hrs.) on all worlu"9 ~YI; Pre-Bid OI!Cllssion_17.07..lOIS (at 11:30 hrs.); Submrulon of Bid: from 18.07.2018 to 03.08.2011 (up to 13:00 hrs.): Sod 0Ptn""J Pan:·l !ltchno·Comme«<.ll): 06.01.2018 (a t1 4:00 hrs.); Pan·ll (Prke): W~l be intimotedlattr. tos1of Bid Do<> Rs. ),!IQIW· (indudilliJ GST) for Bid Amount above 2Crore to be drawnin lht form olllemilld Draft infavour of"Wtst Btngol Stot< ffe<> Distribution Com~ny Limited', pay.ll.bleat kolbta.Thtlnttndolgbidd<> to submit GST1egd. No. alonq with theDO. The complete bid documents are ava~lable onhttps://wbtendm.gov.in &www.wbsodd..in on andfrom 13.07.2011.fnttrested bidden "" download the biddCKUrntfl ts Ia< ~rt l d~Mgln tho r<5pectlvt woks. Contact No.:

(033) 2llll242123197l13.



(CIN: Lm99GJ1999PI.C044045)

~ O!'ice: ASS Towers,<>I'm Road, Vadodara- 390 007.

Tele!ixlne: (91265) 6198111 Fax; (91265) 2310312

Websa:!!)!WillXi !OileS,CO!IJ EsnaiiiD: oooli!ct@ii!OX!!lO'fle$,COID


NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 29 read with Regulation 47 (1) (a) of the SEBI (Ustlng Obrtgalions and 0tsc1ostn Requirements) Regulations, 2015 lhat a Meeling of the Board oH>vectorsoflheCompanywiU be held on Tuesday, 24• J~. 2018. IIller alla. to consider and take on record the Unaodded Ftnanclal Results of lhe Company for lhe quarter ended :y;f June. 2018.

The said NotiCe of proposed BoaJd Meeting is plaoed on the website of the Company f;ttwJi lnoXUlO'lles (;Q!II) and both the Sloc:k Exchanges whefe the securibes of the Company is listed I e SSE limited (~~Dd18 c;oro) & The National Slocf< Exchangeof lndta Lim•ted ('IIWW.nsetO<> OOill)

For INOX Leisure Limited


Place 1Aumbal

Oate. 12" July, 2018

Date : 12" July 2018

Place :

Parthas arathy Iyengar Company Secretary



Ollioe : 1. Middleton Slreel. Koikata 700071


·Tel: 91-33-22883950; Fac 91..:!3-22884059:



Nolice is herebygiven thalllle 83rd Atnlal General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of lhe Company •Nill be held on Monday, August 06, 20t8 at11.00 a m. at Rotary Sadan, 9412. Chowlinghee Road. Kolkata · 700020.

Nctlce or the AGM, ..,bng out the bus1ness 10 be transacted thereat,and Annual Report of the Company lor the year endedMard31. 2018 have been sert ~ elec:tronic mode to tho$el.~ ..OOIIavoregimred their .maladdrmesand physleal00f1Yofthe said Nolice and lhe Ann~~al Report have been sent to al olhllf lllember$ at their R~slered addresses in lhe permdled mode. The etectronoc transmission'physical dispatch or NoliceandAnnualRepOII havebeen completed on Jlly 12. 2018.

In compliance wtth Secoon 108 of the Companies Aa. 20 t3 toad with RIM 20 of lhe CompanieS (Management end AdllWli.-atlon) Rules. 2014. as amended and Regulallon 44 oflhe SEBI (li$ting OOiga!ions lnd Di1dosura Raquir-) ~ns. 2015. lhe Mamber> are p!OVided w11h lhe facity to~ lheir VOOls on ~ion$ Pf090$ed at the Meeti1g l>y-icmeans. frcxn a place -lllanthevenueol theMeeting(remoteE- Votl-.g~ The sa>d fac:illywil bep!OWledbyNa:ional SecultlesOepo$1ory Lim~ (N$1Jl). The delailsretabng to E.Vodng inlenns ofsaidActandRules, arc asunder.

1. The dale end limeof oommencementofretnOte E·VOir>g:AuguM3.2018at !O:OOam. 2. The dateand Dme of end ol1emote E·Vocing: AuguslS. 20 t8at 5:00 p.rn. VOting shal nol be allowed beyond the end date andtime mentioned~ The rernole •'IO!ing modUle shall beblockedby NS!ll for volilg lherearta•.

3. The cut-of! date ·Jlly 30. 2018. Membe<> holifr9 51ares as on the wl-011 dale. may

castlhetrvoteby remote •'loling.


Apet5011, ..-ho acquires sllares and becomes


di51"'1dl of the noooe andholding shares as of and pesswon! by send1119 en e-maol menTioning invesu>rrelation@e..,eacfY.oo.in 0<evolillCJ@nsdl.oo.in or mdpldc@yahoo.com. HoweYer.WSUCh~ is afiacly ~red with NSOt.lor t8111o4e 8-YOiilg flen existilluser-id and pas;wordcan be usedlorc:asfl9theirvole.


of theCorrc>anY alte< the rul·ol date ~r.ay obllln their logiMd their Foto No lOP 10 No , to at

5. The laalily forVOilnglhrough ph)'SICal ballor paper 51all be madeavallallle atlhe AGM and Members attendV!gtheAGM who have not already cast lheir vote by remote e-

YOIIng shallbe~ble to exerase lhelvoting nght auhe AGM .

6. A~. whose name os reoorded ~>the reg.ster of membets or in the regoster of bene(lcial 0>'ltrs martlaoned by thedepositorifs as on the CIJI.O" daleonly -"81 bt entitled toavail the facili!y of remote e-voting as well a~ votilg at the AGM lllrough physical baAol paper.

7. Members who have casllheir ...,te by remote •·voting prior to l!le AGM rr.ay also attend theAGI.t but shall notbeentllledtocastthelr vote again.

8. Mr.AK. Labh. PractisingCo~y Secretary (FCS48481CP·3238)of Mls.A.J<.I.abh & Co., Company Secretaries (email td: akfobhcs@gmall.com/ sa'UiiNzeraldabh@gma~.com) of40. Weston Slreel. Jrd flool. Kobta- 700013 has betn appointed as Sctutina.t toscrutirae the remote e-'lolingand ®"9prooess to be carriedoutat theAGM ina fair and transparent manner.

9 Webs•te address where lhe Nolice of the AGM •• displayed: Company: W\-w...ereadyuldla.oorn. i'ISOl:www.ewbng.nsdl com.

10.Contactdetailsol the personls responsille to address the gnevanoes<> wilh

23. Ft N MukheQee Road. Kobte 100 001

By Order of the Board Eveready Industries India Ltd.

T. Punwani

VIce President-

Ambuja Cement


Regd. Otllce: P.O Ambujanagar,.lal. Kodinat; Dist. Glr &lmnath. Gu}313t 362715.

Corporate Office: Elegant Business Pall<. MIDC Cross Road ·a·.

Off Andftcri-!WflaRoad.Andtlcri (East). Mumbai 400059.

CIN No:l26942GJ1981 PLC0047 17 Website· vrwvt ambujacentellt.Com emaK:shares@ambujacementcom


Notice is hereby given pursuant lo Regulation 29 rea d with Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Re quirements) Regulations, 2015 that a meeling of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on We dnesday, the

251h July, 2018 to consider, inter alia, the unaudited financial results for lhe quarter/ half year ended 30th June, 2018.

This intimation is also available on the website of the companyhttp://www .ambujacement.com/i nvestors/shareholder information/ disclosures-to-the·stock-exchangestboard-meellng and on the website ofthe Stock Exchanges where the shares of the Company are listed atwww.bseindia.com and www.nseindia.com

Place: Mumbai Date: 12" July, 2018

Quick Heal

$c( 1XIly $tmpl(fif'd


CIN L72200Mif1995Pt.C091408

Regd office: MaNe! Edge. Office No.7010. c & o, 7th Aoor. 'Mlan Nagill,

Pune 411014. Maharastrtra.lncia: Phone: +91 20 66Bt 3232.

Website: www.CIIJickheal com: Ema.l: es@Qulcl<>



Notice is hefeby given thai the 23' Artooal General Meeling of the Merrbers of the Company wil be hald on Wednesday. 8' Augusl 2018 at 11 00 AM. ill Ramee Grand liotel & Spa, Plot. No. 537/3, CST No. 1221/C. ApteRoad. Shivaji Nagar. Pllne411 004. Notice of lhe Meeting settingOUlthe DrdinaiY a11d Special busintSses to be transaaed thereat together with the Audited Standaloneand Consoltdated Financial Statemenls IQ( the year ended 31' March 2018. Independent AudltOfs· Report and DirectorS" Report have been sent lo the members to their registered addresses by post/courillf andelectroNCally to those members wllohave regiStered their e-mail addresses. Membel$ are hereby intonned that the Notice ol the Meemg and the aln<> documents are<>ble on the Compan)fS websitewww.qulcklteal.com and copies of the s<> documems are also available lot inspeclion at lhe Registered Office or the Company onall woi1Cing days. except SaiUrdays. durV!g buSineSS hours up10 the dale or the meeting.

Pursuant to Section 91of Compan.es Act. 2013 ('theAct") read vflth Rule 10 of the Companies (Managemenl and Adrm!strabon) Rules. 2014 that the RegiSier or Members will retniin closed from TOOI"sday. l' August. 2018 to Wednesday. 8" AU9USI. 2018 (bolh days ifl(lusive) for dctennining the names of Members eligible (Q( !he dividendfOI the frlanelal year ended 31 st Mardl2018.

As pe; Section toa ol the Act read with Rule 20 of the Companoes (Management and Admi!Vstration) Rules. 2014 as amended and Regulation 44 of the SI!CIJrities and Exl:haoge Board ol lndi<> (listing Obligations and Di1cfosure Requirements) Regulations. 2015. ~ Company is pleased to provide to ~s Members. the facility to cast lheir vote by electronic means on all resolutions set forth 111 theNotice convelting the AGtvl Please read the ins~u ctlOn gwenn the notes In the Notice ot the AGM carelufly buforevobng eleclronically

For any querieS/grievances. onrelatJons toremote e·voting. Membets may conlact the Company's Registrar and Share Tr.11sfe< Agent althe below address I telephone Nos: l1k lntime tnd.a Private United_ Registrar & Transfet Agen~ (Unit-Oulck Heal Technologies Limited). Block No. 202. 2nd Floor. Aksltay Complex. Near Ganesh Temple, Oft. Ohole Patti Road, Pllne- 41 1001 Contact (020)2616 1629I 2616 Ooa4, Fax. (020) 2616 3503. wwwJinldntklte.coIn E-mai:helpdesk.evotlng@cdslinda.com. Amember entitled to anend and vote at lhe meellng Is entitled to appoint aProxy to attend and vote on apol instnd of hi~ and the Proxyneednot bt a member or the Company. The Instrument appointing Proxy to be valid should be deposited at the Registered Office of tho CompanynotlesS tltan48 hours before the commencement of themeetinQ.

Place: Pune

Date: 13' July 2018


Regd. Office: Bombay House,24, Homi Mody Street,Mumbai-400001.

Webs"e:www.tatamotons.com E-mail: l nv_rel@tatamo tors.com

Corporate Identification No.(CIN)-l28920MH1945PLC004520 Notice ol73" Annual General Meeting of Tala Motors Umited Notice is hereby given that the 73'" Annual General Meeting ('AGM') of the Company would be held on Friday, August 3, 2018 at 3:00 p.m., at Birla Matushri Sabhagar, 19, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, 6

Mumbai 400020. The dispatch of 73' Annual Report of the Compaf¥ for the FY 2017-18 has been completed on July 12, 2018 by (a) email to the Members whose email addresses are registered with the Company/Depository Participant and (b) physical copies have been sent by permitted mode to Members who have not registered their email addresses as mentioned above. Notice of the AGM is available on the website of the Companywww.tatamotors.com and on th e website of National Securities Depository Limited ('NSDL')www.evoting.nsdl.com and the business contained in the said Notice would be transacted through vo ting by electronic means.

Pursuant to Section 108 of th e Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, Regulation 44 of SEBI (Li sting Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the Secretarial Standards of General Meetings ('SS2') issued by The Institute of the Company Secretaries of India, the Company is providing the e·voting facility to all its Members to cast their vote on all the resolutions setlorth in the Notice of the AGM. Only persons holding shares either in physical orin dematerialised form as on July 27, 2018 i. e. the 'cut-off date' are provide{l with the facility to cast their vote electronically through the e-voting services provided by NSDL ('remote e-voting') or through electronic/physical ballot at the AGM, on all the resolutions set forth in the Notice.

The remote e-voting period commences on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 (9:00 a.m. 1ST) and ends on Thursday, August 2, 2018 (5:00 p.m. IS1). During thi s period, Members may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting module shall be disabled by NSDL at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 2, 2018 and Members shall not be allowed to vote through remote e-voting thereafter. Alternatively, if you are registered for NDSL eservices i.e. IDeAS, you can log-in at https://eservices. nsdl.com/ with your existing IDeAS login. However, nyou are already registered w~h NSOL lor remote e-voting then you can use your existing user 10 and password fo r casting your vote. The facility for voting through electronic ballot would be made available at the AG M and th e Members attending the AGM who have not already cast their vote by remote e·voting would be able to exercise their right to vote at the AGM through electronic ballot. The Members who have cast their vote by remote e-voting may participate in the AGM but shall not be allowoo to vote again at the AGM. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by a Member, it cannot be subsequently changed or vo(e{l again.

AI¥ person, who acquires shares of the Company and becomes a Member of the Compaf¥ alter dispatch of th e Noticeand holding shares as on the cut-off date, may obtain login 10 & password lore-voting by sending a request atevoting@nsdl.co.in or pallavid@nsdl.co.in and then cast their vote accordingly. For further details, please refer to the notes at the end of the AG M Notice.

Incase of queries/grievances with regard to e-voting, kindly refer the Frequently Asked Questions ('FAQs) and e-voting user manual available on NSDL:s website, available at the 'Downloads' section atwww.evotin g.nsdl.com or contact Ms Pallavi Mhatre, Asst. Manager. Address: Trade World,A wing, 4th & 5th Floors, Kamala Mills Compound, Lo~Wr Parel, Mumbai - 400013; Email ld:pallavid@nsdl.co.in; Phone Number: 022 24994545 Toll free no: 1800-222-990

Mumbai July 13, 2018




For Quick Heal Teeltnologies l imited


Kaitasb Katkar (DIN: 00397191)

Managing Oirector & CEO

For Tala Motors limited sd/-



HKSethna Company Secretary


'ನನ ಣ ೇರಲ'



ಕರ l ಲೈ 13, 2018

'ವ ಖ ಸರ ರತೇ'

ಮೈ: 'ನನ ರ ಡ  ೇರಲ. ಈಗ ಕ್ನ ಇೇನ. ಕ್ನಲೇ ನನ ಜಕೇಯ ೇವನ ಅತಗ' ಎ  ಸವ .ಎ..ಮಹ ೇವಪ ಇ ರ ದ.

ರರ ತ, ' ೇಪವ ವದ ಹಸ.  ಪತ ಅಲ. ತ, ನೇ ಇಕ 35 ವರಗದ ಜಕೇಯದ ಇೇನ. ಕ್  ಮತ ಪ ೇವ ಪ್ೇ ಇಲ' ಎದ.

'ಕ್ ಪ ಏಕ ಮ ಸಕರ ರಸ ಧಗ-ಲ, ದಮಯ ಮ ಖಮ್ ಆಗಲ ಎಬ ನೇ ನನ. ಅವೃ ಲಸಗ ನದ ಸೇ ಬೇಸರ ತ. ೇ  ನೇಡ ಅವೃ ದ ಸಕರವ ಜನ ಕಗ-' ಎ ೇದ.

ಅರ ್ೇರ

ಮಲ ಅ ರಂಜ ಪೈ ಲಸವ

ಮಂಗ: ಮಲ ಅಕಮ ಆ ಜನರ ಎೇರನ () ತನ ಲಸವ . ರಜ ಆ. ಪೈ ರ ಅಕರ ವಹಕ. ಈ ದ ಲಸವದ . ಮ ಎ. ಪೈ ಅವ ೇಮ ನೇದದ ಈ  ರ.

'ಮೇಯಂದ ಉತಮ ಆಡತ'

ಜಯರ:'ಪ್ನ ನೇದ್ ೇ ಉತಮ ಆಡತ ನೇ' ಎ ಉಯ ಪೇವರ ಮಠದ ್ೇಶೇಥ ್ಮೇ ರ ದ. 'ತಮ ಅರದ ಅವಯಲ ದಶದ ಆರ ಯ್ ಬಢಗ-ರ' ಎಂ ಇಲ ರಗ ಪ್್ದ.

ಕವ ಗ ಸಂಪಕ ಸಗ lಅಗಂದ ರ ಪಶೀಲ

  ರ ಸಂರ ದ

ಅನಕ ತತ್ನ ಬಳ ನರ ವ ಒ 26 ಕ.ಮೇ. ಉದದ   ಕಕ್ೇ ರ  30 ವರ  ಬರ ಎ ಅಕಗ .

ಈ ಸಬಧ ಷ್ೇಯ  ಅಕಗಳ ತಡ ರ ಸಳ ಭೇ ನೇ ಪೇಲನ ನ. ಜನವ 20ದ ಆರಭದ ₹ 74 ಕೇ ಚದ 12.38 ಕ.ಮೇ. ಉದದ ಕಕ್ೇ ರ ಕಮ ಮಯ ಅತಯ ನ ರಗ. ತನ ರ ಉಟನ ಅಕಗ ದ ಕ.

ಪ 

ಸರಲಶರ: ಬಗನದ74ಕೋ

ಕವ ಗ ಸಪಕ ಕವ ನ 2ನೇ ಹತದ ಕಕ್ೇ ಕಮ ರಗ, ಲೈ 15 ಅಥ 16ರ ಸರ ಕಗ.

'ೈ , ಚ ಫಲಕ ಅಳವ ೇದ ಲ ಸರಟ ಲಸ ರಪದ ಮ ವ ಲಸ ' ಎ ಷ್ೇಯ  ಯೇಜನ ಖ ಎನಯ ಗಣೇ ದ.

ಕ ಪ: ವೃತ .  ಆಎಒ ಬ 9 ವೇಶನ!

ಎ.ಎ.ಎ.. ಬಡ ಗಳ ಪರ  ದೇ ೇದವರ ವರ

ಗಳ ಸ

₹ ಗಳ

1. ಎಂ.. ಶ್,  ಸರ, ಮ, ಮ


2.  ಲಂ ಸ್ಷ,  ಜಂ, ಎಂ.. ರಸ, ಬಂಗ


3. . ಜ. .ಎ., ಜಯನಗರ, ಬಂಗ


4. ಎಂ.. ಜಲ ಸ, ಸಹರನಗರ, ಬಂಗ


5. ್. ಎ.ಎ. ಶಷ , ರನಹ, ..

ನಗರ, 2ನ ಹಂತ, ಬಂಗ


6. . ರ, ರನಹ, .. ನಗರ, 2ನ ಹಂತ, ಬಂಗ


7. ಎಂ.. ಪ್ದ, ಮ ಶ್ಮ . ಎಂ..,

ಬನ್ಘಟ್ ರಸ, ಅರರ, ಬಂಗ


8. ಮಂಥ ಅಗ. ಎ., ಘಂದ್ ಲ ಔ, ಪದಭನಗರ, ಬಂಗ


9. . ದಂಬರ ಶ್, ಬಸಶರ ಬವ, ಸಪ


10. ಎಂ.ಎಂ. ಆನಂದ ಮ ಬ್ದ, ಮಜ ಪ, ಬಂಗ


11. ಎಂ. ಯ ಶ್, ಎಂ.ಎ..  ರ, ಬಸವನ, ಬಂಗ


12. ರಂ ರ್ರ, ಗಲಡ ಬವ, ಶವಗ


13. ಆ. ್, ರಮಗ


14. .ಎ. ಗಲ ,ಎ.ಐ.. ಲ, 3ನ  ಈ್, ಜಯನಗರ, ಬಂಗ


15. ಪದ, ಜಯನಗರ 3ನ ಹಂತ, ಮೈ


16. ರ ಪ್, ಂನಗರ, ಡರಲಸಂದ್, ಬಂಗ


17. . ಶಶರ, ಸ್ ರಸ, ಬಸವನ, ಬಂಗ


18. ಎಂ. ಲಂಗಣಯ ಟಂಬ, ಭ್ವ


19. .ಎ. , .. ಲಔ, ಮೈ


20. ಬ್ಮಣ. ಎ.ಎ., ..ಎಂ. 2ನ ಹಂತ

(ಮೈಕ ಲಔ), ಬಂಗ


21. ಎ.ಎ. ಂಪಯ, .ಎ.. 1ನ ಹಂತ, 2ನ , ಬಂಗ


22. .ಆ. ಶಂತ ದ, ೈಲವ, ಬಂಗ


23. .ಎ. ಶರಂಬ, ನಗರ, ಯಲಹಂರ, ಬಂಗ


24. .ಎ. ಗಂದಜ ಶ್, ಶ್ರಂ, ಬಂಗ


25. ಮ. ಎಂ., ಹಂನಗರ 2ನ ಹಂತ, ಜಯನಗರ, ಬಂಗ


26. . ಯಣ , ಶವಗ


27. .ಎ. ನಂಂಡ, ಲ ಬ, ತ್ಗ


28. . ಗಂದ್ಪ, ಂ ರಸ, ಸಂತಬ್


ಒ ತ


ಇಂನವ ಸಂಗಹದ ಒ ತ


ಪ 

ಮಂಡ: ಡವರ  ಡರಹ ್ಮದ ತೇಟ ಉಮ ಗ ್ಕ ಪ ಎ ಅ ಕ ನವೃತ ಕ ಎ.ಎ. ಗ (62) ರ ಸಳದಲೇ ಮೃತಪ.

ಯ ಕ- 2016ರ ನವೃ ದ ನತರ ಡರಹ ಬಯ ತೇಟದ ಮನಯ ಸದ.

ಕನ ದಯನಕಪ ್ಮದವ. ಕೃಷಯ ಅರ ಆಸಕ , ೇ ಲದ ದ.

ರ ಬಯದ ್ಕನದ ತೇಟ ಉಮ ದ. ಮಹ 12.30ರ

2ನೋ ಹಂತದ ಮ ಚ

12.38.ಮೋ 2ನೋ ಹಂತದ ರ ಂ್ೋಕರಣ

13.68.ಮೋ ದಲ ಹಂತದ ರ ಂ್ೋಕರಣ

'ದಲ ಹತದ 13.68 ಕ.ಮೇ. ರಯ ಕಕ್ೇೇಕರರ ಡ. ಈಗ ಕ ಇದ 12.38 ಕ.ಮೇ. ರಯ ಕಕ್ೇೇಕರರ ಡ. ಈ ಗದ ಆಬತ  ಮ-ದದ ್ನೇ ಲೇಯ, ಯ ೈ ತತ್ನ ಬಳ ಅನಕ ೇಯ ಕಕ್ೇ ರ ನಮಸ. ಇದ ಮಯ ನೇ ಎ ನಲ ಸಗ ಇ ಹಯ. ಹೇ 3 ದಶಕ ಕಕ್ೇ ರ  ಬರ' ಎ ಷ್ೇಯ  ವೃತದ ಅೇಕ ಎನಯ ಘವ ೇದ.

ಸ ಮ ಯ ದ  ್ಕ ಬನ ಮೇಲೇಗ ಪ.

ಪ, ತ್, ್ ಇ.

ಅತಕ್ ದಯನಕಪ ್ಮದ ಕ್ರ ನಯ.

ಎಎ ಅಕ ದ ಅವ ಮೈ ಮನಗರ ಯ ಕಯ ಅಕ , ಮೈ ನಗವೃ

ರಗೊಂಡ ಶ  ರ ಮಯ ೀಯ  ಜ ಖ ಎಂಯ ಗಣೀ, ೀಯ  ವೃತದ ಅೀಕಕ ಎಂಯ ಘವ ಮ ಬ ವೀದ - ಪ ತ

ರ ಉಟ: ಕೇಂದ ಸವ ಪತ

ಮಂಗ: ಷ್ೇಯ  75ರವ  ಯ ಕಕ್ೇ ರಯ ಹನ ಸರ ಕಗವ ಕಯಕ್ಮ ೇದ್ ರ  ಮ   ಸವ ನ ಗಡ ಅವರ ಸಮಯ ಕೇ ಜ ಲೇಕೇಪಯೇ ಸವ ಎ..ೇವರ  ನಗಳ ಹ ಪತ್ ಬ.

ಆದ, ೇದ್ ಸವದ ೇ ಪ್ಕ್ ಬಲ. ಹೇ ಜದ ಲಕೇಪಯೇ ಸವ ೇದ್ ಸವರ ಪ್ಕ್ಯ ಕ . ೇದ್ ಸವ ರ ಉಟನ ಸಮಯ ನಗಗದ ಬಕೇ   ಗದ ಹನ ಸರ ಆರಭವ ಕ ಅಮಗಳ ಎ ಲೇಕೇಪಯೇ ಇಯ ಲಗ 'ಪ್' .

ಸರ ಕದದ ಮಗ, ಧಮಸಳ 

್ಕರದ ಆಕ, ಮೈ ಶ್ಲಯದ ್, ಮಡ  ಪಯ ಕಯದ, ಬಗ ನಗರ ಲ ೇರ ಕ ಕಯನವ-ಹದ. ಐಎಎ ಪದೇನ ದ ನತರ ಯ ಕ ಲಸ ನವಹ ನವೃತದ.

ಗ  ಸಕ ಲಕೃರ ಅವರ ಅಕನ ಗ ಹ-ದ.

ಬಳ ೇಗಬೇಕದ ಪ್ಕರ ಬವಣ ತಪ.

ಬಂಗ: ಜಗ ವಲಯ ಅರಕ ಎ. ಮ ಬ ಒಬ ನೇಶನ  35 ಎಕ ಜಮೇನ ಭ್ರ ನಗ್ಹ ದಳದ ೇಸ ಪ ಹ.

ಮ ತಮ ಆಯ ಮೇ ಆ ಗ ಎಬ  ಆಧ, ಅವರ ತ್ಗದ ಮನ, ಜಗ ಕಚೇ  ತೇ ಕನ ಭಕನ ಕ ತೇಟದ ಮನ ಮೇಲ ಎ ೇಸ ಧರ ಏಕಕಲ  ನದ. ತಸಣ ಕಯ ಇ ವ.

ಇವ ಮ ಅವರ

ರಲ: 'ಜ ಮ ಕೇರ ದ  ಈಗ ವ ಖ ಸಕರ ರತ' ಎ ಲೇಕಸ ಭಯ ಕ್ ಸಸೇಯ ಯಕ ಮಕನ ಖ ಪ್ದ.

ರ ರರ  ತದ ಅವ, ' ಯ ೇ  ಅ ಸಕರ ರ. ಕ-ವ ವ ಕಡ ಮ ಅಕ್ಮ  ಕೇರರ ತಯ ಆಗಲ. ಆ ಕರರೇ ಆ ಪಗ ಬೇ ಬೇ' ಎ ೇಕದ.

'ಅಯ ಜನ ನಮಯ ೇವನ ನವ ವರರ ಕಸ ದವ, ಯೇಧ ಮ ಜನರ  ತಯದವ ಈಗ ವ  ಥ ಅ ಸಕರ ರ? ಯ ಯ ಏನದ  ನ' ಎ ಲೇವ ದ.  ಯೋಜ: 'ಪ್ನಮ್ ಫಸ  ೈತರ  ವ ಯೇಜನ' ಎ ಖ ಅವ ಇ ನದ '' ಸಭಯ ೇಕದ.

'ದ ಫಸ  ಯೇಜ, ್ ಯೇಜ ಎ ದಡ ೇ. ಇ ೈತರ    ಕಪನಗ ಭ ಕವ ಯೇಜನ.  ವದ ಹರ ನಮ ಬರಲ ಎದ ೇ? ೇಶದ ಜನರ ಅವ ೇ ಖರ- ನೇ' ಎದ

ಮನ ಮ ಕಚೇಗದ ವಶಪ-ಕಳದ ಖಲಗಳ ಆ ಸಬದ ಪತ್ಗ ಇ. ಒ . ನ, 600 ್ ಬ, ಎರ ೇ (ಒ ಯ, ಒ ಲರ) ಒ ್ಚಕ್ ಹನ ಕ.

ಅಲ, ₹ 1.58 ಲ ನಗ  ₹ 18.18 ಲ ತದ ಗೃಹಪ ಯೇ ವಗಳ ಆಎಒ . ಇ ನ ಆ  ಸಬದ ಹಯ ಕಲ ಕ ಎ ಎ ಲಗ ಖತಪ.


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