
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島注册成立的有限公司)

(Stock code: 410)

(股份代號: 410)

Dear Investor (Note),

29 October 2015

SOHO Chin a L im it ed (th e 'Co m p an y') - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and Circular (the 'Cu rren t Corp o rat e Co m m u n ica tio n ')

We enclose herewith the printed copy of the Current Corporate Communication of the Company. Please note that the Current Corporate Communication is also available on the Company's website at www.sohochina.com and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at www.hkexnews.hk.

Should you have any query relating to this letter, please contact the Company's share registrar by calling its hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding public holidays).

For and on behalf of SOHO China Limited

Note: This notification letter is being sent to the non-registered holders of the shares of the Company, whose shares are held in Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who have notified the Company through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that they wish to receive the Current Corporate Communication. If you have sold or transferred your shares in the Company, please disregard this notification letter.


SOHO 中 國 有 限公 司(「本 公司 」) - 臨 時股 東大 會通告及 通函 ('本 次公 司通訊 文件')

現 隨本函附上 本 公 司 之 本 次 公 司 通 訊 文 件 之印刷本 。 請注意: 閣 下 亦 可 在 本 公 司 網 站


如 閣下對本函有任何疑問,請於營業時間內(星期一至星期五,上午九時至下午六時,公衆假期除 外)致電本公司股份過戶登記處熱綫 (852) 2862 8688 查詢。

SOHO 中國有限公司


2015 10 29

附註:本通知函件收件對象為本公司非登記股份持有人。該等人士的股份存放於中央結算及交收系統(中央結算系統)及他們 已經通過香港中央結算有限公司通知本公司,希望收到本次公司通訊文件。如果 閣下已出售或轉讓所持有的本公司股 份,則無需理會本通知函件。

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