Correction in Capital Ratio As of March 31, 2007 Capi tal Rati o as of June 30 , 2015

TOKYO, August 14, 2015 --- Sumitomo Mits ui Financ ia l Group, I nc. announced today capita l ratios and
the related information as of June 30, 2015.

I. Sumitomo M its ui Financial Group (on a cons olidate d bas is )

June 30, 2015
(Billions of yen, except ratios)

II. Sumitomo M its ui B anking Corporation (on a cons olidate d bas is )

June 30, 2015
(Billions of yen, except ratios)

III. Sumitomo M its ui B anking Corporation (on a non-cons olidate d bas is )

(Billions of yen, except ratios)
June 30, 2015

Information on capital structure of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation are available on our w ebsite at http://w w w ial/pi3_disc losure.html

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