NO T I F I C AT I O N L E T T E R 通 知 信 函

Dear Non-registered holder (1),

27 May 2015

United Company R USAL Plc (WKH ³&RPSDQ´) ± N otice of Publication of the (i) Circular dated 27 May 201 5; (ii) Notice of Annual General Meeting;

and (iii) Proxy Form (collectively the ³Current &RUSRUDWH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV´)

The English and Chi nese versions RI WKH &RPSDQ¶V Current Corporate Communi cations DUH DYDLODEOH RQ WKH &RPSDQ¶V ZHEVLWH DW www.rusal.comand the ZHEVLWH RI 7KH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH RI +RQJ .RQJ /LPLWHG (WKH ³6WRFN ([FKDQJH´) DW You may access the Current Corporate Communi cations on the Company¶s website or by EURZVL QJ WKURXJK WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH¶V ZHEVLWH.

If you want to receive a pri nted version of the Current Corporate Communi cations, please compl ete the request form on the reverse side and return it to the Company c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (WKH ³+RQJ .RQJ Branch 6KDUH 5HJLVWUDU´) by usi ng the maili ng label at the bottom of the request form (no need to affi x a stamp if posted i n Hong Kong; otherwise, please affi x an appropriate stamp). The address of the Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar is Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, +RSHZHOO &HQWUH, 183 4XHHQ¶V 5RDG (DVW, :DQFKDL , +RQJ .RQJ. The request form may also be GRZQO RDGHG IURP WKH &RPSDQ¶V ZHEVLWH DW www.rusal.comor the 6WRFN ([FKDQJH¶V website at

Shoul d you have any queries relati ng to any of the DERYH PDWWHUV, SOHDVH FDOO WKH &RPSDQ¶V WHO HSKRQH KRWOL QH DW (852) 2862 8688 duri ng busi ness hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) from Monday to Friday, excl udi ng Hong Kong public holidays or send an email to rusal.e com@c o m p u t e r sha r e . com . h k.

By Order of the board of directors of

U nite d C ompa ny R U S A L Plc A by Wong Po Y i ng Company Secretary

Note: (1) This letter is addressed to Non-registered holders (³Non-UHJLVWHUHG KROGHU´ PHDQV VXFK SHUVRQ RU FRPSDQ ZKRVH VKDUHV DUH KHOG LQ 7KH &HQWUDO &OHDULQJ DQG 6HWWOHPHQW System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that it wishes to receive corporate communications). If you have sold or transferred your shares in the Company, please disregard this letter and the request form on the reverse side.

United Company R USAL Plc

r com

h k e e h k

r com

hke e hk l*J

� � r ecom@comp ter h re com hk
U nited C ompany R US A L Plc

附註:(1) 此函件乃向本公司之非登記持有人(「非登記持有人」指股份存放於中央結算及交收系統的人士或公司,透過香港中央結算有限公司不時向本公司發出通知,希望收到公司通

訊文件)發出。如果 閣下已經出售或轉讓所持有之本公司股份,則無需理會本函件及所附申請表格。


Non-registered holders information (English name and address)

R equest F or m

To: U nited C ompany R US A L Plc (the ³ C ompany´) (Stoc k C ode: 00486)

c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen¶s Road

East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

U nited C ompany R US A L Plc


I/We would like to receive the corporate communications* of the Company ( ³Corporate Communications´) in the manner as indicated below:


(Please mark O N L Y O N E X of the following boxes)

( f l*J X )

to receive the p r i n t e d E ngl is h v e r sio n of all Corporate Communications ONLY; O R

f �

to receive the p r i n t e d C h i n ese v e r sion of all Corporate Communications ONLY; O R

f �

to receive both p r i n t e d E ngl i sh a n d C h i n e se v e r sio ns of all Corporate Communications.

N ame(s) of Non-registe red holder(s)#

A dd ress of Non-registe red holder(s)#


D ate

(Please use E N G L IS H B L O C K L E T T E RS )

C on t a c t t e l e p hon e n u m b e r

# You are required to fill in the details if you download this request form from the Companys website.

N o t es ì

S i g n a t u r e (s)

1. Pleas e comp let e a ll your det a ils clear ly.

2. This letter is addressed to Non-registered holders (³Non-registered holder´ means such person or company whose shares are held in The Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited that it wishes to receive Corporate Communications).

:t " �

3. Any for m wit h mor e t ha n one box mar ked (X), wit h no b ox mar ked (X), wit h no s ignatur e or ot her wis e incorr ect ly comp let ed will b e void.

� � �

4. The ab ove ins tru ct ion will app ly t o t he C orp orate C ommu nica t ions t o b e s ent t o you u nt il you not ify t o t he C omp a ny c/ o C omp u t ers har e Hong Kong Inv es t or S er vices Limit ed t o t he cont rar y or u nles s you ha ve at a nyt ime cea s ed t o ha ve holdi ngs in t he C omp a ny.

5. For t he a voida nce of dou bt, we do not a ccept a ny ot her instru ct ion given on t his r equ es t for m.

* C o r po r a t e C ommun i c a t i ons i nc l ude bu t a r e Q RW OL PL WHG W R (D) W KH GL UHFWR UV ¶ UHSRU W, LW V D QQX DO D FFR XQW V W RJ HW KHU ZLW K D FRS RI W K H D XGL WRU V¶ UHS RUW DQG, ZK HUH DS SOL FD b l e , i ts summ a r y f i n a nc i a l r e po r t ; (b) th e i nt e r i m r e po r t a nd, wh e r e a pp l i c a b l e , summ a r y i nt e r i m r e po r t ; ( c) a not i c e of m e e t i ng ; ( d) a l i st i ng do cum ent ; ( e) a c i rc u l a r ; a nd ( f) a p roxy f o r m.

(a ) (b) ( c) (d) -m ( e)


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 Computershare  Hong  Kong  Investor  Services  Limited  

Freepost  No.  37  

Hong  Kong

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