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(Stock code: 00123) TRADING HALT

At the request of Yuexiu Property Company Limited (the "Company"), trading in the

Company's shares has been halted with effect from 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 3

September 2014 pending the issue of an announcement in relation to inside information of the Company.

Hong Kong, 3 September 2014

By Order of the Board

Yuexiu Property Company Limited ZHANG Zhaoxing


As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises:
Executive Directors: ZHANG Zhaoxing (Chairman), ZHU Chunxiu, TANG Shouchun, CHEN Zhihong, LI Feng and OU Junming
Independent Non-executive
YU Lup Fat Joseph, LEE Ka Lun and LAU Hon Chuen Ambrose

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