Recently, our Zion Oil & Gas Israel staff met with the Valley of Springs Regional Council in Beit She'an, Israel to discuss our future drilling plans in lands within the council's jurisdiction.  Regional councils are a form of local elected government that represent numerous communities. Valley of Springs Regional Council  serves 22 total communities located primarily in the Beit She'an Valley, adjacent to the Jezreel and Megiddo Valleys.

The purpose of meeting with this regional council was to build interpersonal relationships and inform them of Zion's vision, practices, proven experience and future plans. Ilan Sheena, CFO and Israel Branch Managing Director, along with Zion geoscientists Liat Shindler, Orna Leviatan, and Moshe Politi (pictured above right), counted this meeting a "success" in building positive relations with the council and discussing possible needs and concerns of the communities in the event of drilling.

Zion looks forward to fostering this positive relationship with the Valley of Springs Regional Council. Currently, we await the response to our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study from Israel's Environmental Ministry.  After Zion obtains EIA approval, we will be able to move forward in seeking further approval from the Valley of Springs Regional Council and other local government committees to be able to drill our Megiddo-Jezreel #1 well later this year.

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