Helu Slim

Helu Slim

Net worth: 64 129 M $ as of 2024-03-30

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
2023-03-15 28,442,098,395 ( 45.74% ) 26 807 M $ 2024-03-30
2022-12-30 1,709,232,880 ( 75.73% ) 15 315 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-09-29 3,768,462,842 ( 61.78% ) 11 656 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-12-18 369,252,048 ( 84.67% ) 5 041 M $ 2024-03-30
2022-12-30 1,232,388,091 ( 43.00% ) 2 908 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-01-23 14,345,198 ( 12.00% ) 826 M $ 2024-03-30
2022-09-28 1,682,000,000 ( 52.87% ) 576 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-03-14 35,922,904 ( 19.58% ) 500 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-03-05 54,901,500 ( 7.13% ) 191 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-05-21 63,118,645 ( 36.97% ) 104 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-12-13 90,536,012 ( 11.04% ) 100 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-12-13 8,999,890 ( 5.93% ) 79 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-05-18 70,719,171 ( 6.88% ) 27 M $ 2024-03-30
Prokidney Equity LLC
2022-07-10 63,118,645 ( inf% ) - $ Today