Also, as part of the corporation's continuing plan to improve efficiency and reduce expenses, DiagnoCure Inc. has reduced its Board of directors to three independent members. Mr. Andrew J. (Andy) Sheldon leaves the Board but will continue to provide advice on different matters. In addition, Dr. Yves Fradet, founder of the Corporation, has stepped down as Chairman and leaves the Board to concentrate on business and corporate development as President and Chief Medical Officer.

Dr. Jacques Simoneau has been elected Chairman of the Board. As a consequence of these changes, a lead director is no longer required. Dr. Vincent R. Zurawski will join the Audit and Risk Management committee, which will be chaired by Dr. Louise Proulx.

Corporate governance, human resources and nominating matters will be addressed directly by the Board. Mr. Richard Bordeleau will continue to report to the Board and work closely with Dr. Fradet advancing important leads in business development and merger activities.