LINE Credit Corporation and ACOM CO., LTD. announced that made an agreement regarding credit screening in the smartphone loan service "LINE Pocket Money". LINE Credit offers a smartphone loan service "LINE Pocket Money". It incorporates a credit screening model taking into account conventional credit information to the unique scoring service "LINE Score" utilizing AI.

Many Customers give good evaluations through the merchantability unique credit screening that is not tied only to information such as titles. The total number of applicants has been 1.5 million and the accumulated amount of loan has surpassed ¥100 billion since the launch of the service in 2019. LINE Credit launched products in 2022 to aim for offering fair services to be considerate of various customers.

It includes products such as refinance loan "LINE Pocket Money Refinance" and the new plan "My Pace Plan" that enhance the freedom to repay in "LINE Pocket Money". These products aim for meeting a wide range of customer needs. ACOM collaborates with LINE Credit in Guarantee Business, taking advantage of credit screening know-how and service tailored to the customer that has been cultivated for many years.

This allows customer to use "LINE Pocket Money" and ACOM as a guarantee company, depending on the result of credit screening.