Authentidate Holding Corp. announced the addition of BDx AdvantageTM Blood Diagnostic testing to their growing portfolio of services. Blood tests may be performed for several different reasons. Blood may be analyzed to diagnose certain health conditions or possibly rule out conditions based on symptoms. In addition, blood tests may help monitor existing health conditions. Finally, they may be used to check the function of organs like the liver or kidneys if patients are taking medications that may affect them. Aeon's comprehensive BDx AdvantageTM menu includes: Metabolic, hepatic and renal function testing; Advanced lipid profiles; and General chemistry and extensive hormone testing. Some of the benefits of Aeon's BDx Advantage™ include the extensive testing options and the use of the most advanced technology and high throughput instrumentation available. Furthermore, Aeon has the ability to handle thousands of samples per day, while maintaining a quick turnaround time of 24 hours.