Aferian plc announces that Max Royde has been appointed to the Board as a Non-Executive Director. Max Royde is a managing partner at Kestrel Partners, an investment management company specialising in business-critical software companies, which has a beneficial holding in Aferian of 22,781,891 shares or 26.12% of the issued share capital of the Company. Matthew Max Edward Royde (51 years old) has been a director or partner of the following companies during the five years preceding the date of the announcement: Current directorships and/or partnerships; Kestrel Partners LLP, Findlay Park Partners LLP, Elms Road Capital Limited.

Track Record Holdings Limited, Trailight Ltd, IQGeo PLC, Charles Connell & Company (Holdings) Ltd, CentralNIC Group plc. Past directorships and/or partnerships; Tialis Essential IT PLC, Ingenta plc, Kestrel Investment Partners LLP.