Ansal Housing Limited announced that disclosure of default dated December 31, 2022. Name of the listed entity: Ansal Housing Limited. Date of making the disclosure: February 1, 2022.

Nature of obligation: Inter Corporate Deposit from NBFC. Name of the Lender: ROVO Marketing Private Limited. Date of default: December 31, 2022.

Current default amount (break-up of principal and interest in INR crore): Principal - Nil. Interest: 1.4 Million. Details of the obligation (total principal amount in INR crore, tenure, interest rate, secured /unsecured etc.): ICD: INR 10 Million.

Tenure: 15 Months with effect from 01 April, 2022. Rate of interest: 12%. Secured/Unsecured: Unsecured.

Total amount of outstanding borrowings from Banks /financial institutions(in INR Crore): INR 3,941.9 Million. Total financial indebtedness of the listed entity including short-term and long-term debt is INR 5,085.2 million.