ANTA Sports Products Limited announced that, to align the Group's management structure with its strategic directions and to enhance the Group's corporate governance, the following changes in the composition of the Board Committees shall take effect from 1 July 2023: (1) Remuneration Committee ­ Mr. Ding Shizhong, the Chairman and an executive Director, will cease to be a member of the Remuneration Committee. (2) Nomination Committee ­ Two female independent non-executive Directors, namely, Ms. Wang Jiaqian and Ms. Xia Lian, will be appointed as members of the Nomination Committee. (3) Risk Management Committee ­ Mr. Lai Shixian, an executive Director and one of the Co-CEOs, will cease to be a member of the Risk Management Committee, and Mr. Bi Mingwei, an executive Director and the CFO, will be appointed as a member of the Risk Management Committee.

(4) Sustainability Committee ­ Mr. Zheng Jie, an executive Director, will cease to be a member of the Sustainability Committee, and Mr. Tsui Yeung, the chief executive officer of the Performance Sports Group, will be appointed as a member of the Sustainability Committee. The Board believes that the above changes will (i) achieve a greater balance of gender diversity and expertise among the members of the Board Committees, (ii) have a stronger independent element on various Board Committees, particularly the Remuneration Committee which will be comprised of independent non-executive Directors only; and (iii) further enhance management efficiency and the Group's talent development.